Chapter 1 The playground & The cafe

Start from the beginning

"What's your name?" he asked. "Becca" I answered and held out my hand towards him. He shook my hand and said "I'm Riker. You're new here aren't you?" "Yes, I just moved here. This is my first night actually" "where do you live?" "The blue house down the street" I said and emptied my bottle. I liked talking to him. He seemed so calm and down to earth... and normal. God, I've been missing something normal. I wish I could see what he looked like. It's way too dark to see his face or anything other than his silhouette actually, but I think he's blonde. "Are you cold?" he asked, like he could read my mind. "A little" I answered. "Here" he said, pulled of his hoodie and handed it to me. "Thanks". I took it on. It smelled really good. We sat there for a while in silence, until I looked at the time. It was almost 3a.m. "I guess the drunk ones have either fallen asleep or drunken themselves senseless by now. I think it's safe to go home" I said and threw my bottle towards the bushes. "Yeah, hopefully the crowd has fallen asleep at my place to" he said and got up. "It was really nice talking to you, Becca" he said as we both stood up. "Yeah, you to" I said. "Maybe I'll see you again?" "Maybe. Bye" I said and headed towards what I from now on have to call home.

I got home, kicked off my shoes and went to my room. The house was quiet now, so I guess they'd gone to bed. I lay down on my bed and turned on the TV. I watched TV until I fell asleep, as usual.

The next morning I woke up and realized I was still wearing Riker's hoodie. I went down to the kitchen to make some breakfast when my parents were already sitting there, each with a glass of wine. "A little early, don't you think?" I said as I passed them and headed for the fridge. "I've never seen the rules. Once you buy something I thought you could do what you wanted with it." My mother said sarcastically and went to the living room instead. She always gets all bitchy when I mention her drinking. My stepfather followed without a word. I made my breakfast, brought it to my room and ate in front of the TV, as always. I started unpacking some boxes, but gave up pretty quick. I hate moving!

I had noticed a little café a couple of blocks away, so I figured I would go get a milkshake or something. I went outside, still wearing Riker's hoodie, and headed for the café. It was just a ten minute walk from where I lived. When I got there I ordered a milkshake and sat down by one of the window tables. I sat there looking out the window, just looking at the people who passed by outside. Then I noticed two guys walking in to the café. They seemed like they were on my age. One was brown haired, and the other was blonde. Not naturally blonde, though. You could clearly tell he had bleached it. They both went to the counter and ordered.

I discreetly stared at them. They were one of the few people my age I had seen around here. I was mostly staring at the blonde guy.  They were both handsome. They even resembled each other. But there was something about the blonde guy that just looked better than the brown haired guy. I guess I didn't stare at discreetly as I thought, because they both turned around and caught me staring. The blonde guy gave me a nod and a smirk, and I quickly looked away. I immediately felt really stupid. What? Was I pretending not to see them? We just had eye contact! God, I'm so stupid! I sat there yelling at myself in my mind, when I heard someone next to me say "Hey". I turned my head and looked right at the blonde guy as he passed my table. "Hi" I said quietly and looked away again. Awkward!

I finished my milkshake and threw the empty cup in the trash. I reached the door at the exact same time as another guy. And guess who! The blonde guy opened the door for me and gave me the same smirk as earlier. "Ladies first" he said and winked at me. "Thanks" I almost whispered back and went outside. I could hear the two guys talking behind me. Half the way home I could hear them talk behind me, and I started to get a bit worried they were stalking me. At some point it was suddenly quiet behind me. I didn't dare to turn around I case they were both still there. I just kept walking. Then there was someone coming up next to me. "Hey" he said. It was the blonde guy again. "Hi" I said without looking at him. "New here?" he asked. "Yes, just moved here. How do people tell I'm new here? Is it the clothes? The hair?" he chuckled a bit. "No, there are just few people younger than thirty in this town. So when a new young face shows up, it's noticed pretty quickly." He said and smiled. Not that smirk I'd gotten earlier, but a real smile.

"So what's your name?" he asked while we walked. "Becca. What's your name? " I asked back and smiled at him. "I'm Ross. Do you live in this street?" he asked. I stopped, and so did he. "Yes, right here actually" I said and pointed at my house. We were standing right in front of it. "Cool, I live in the street on the other side" he said and pointed at the small forest behind my house. "Looks like we just found a shortcut" he said. And there was the smirk again. I gave him a nervous laugh. "Well, I better get inside." I said and started walking towards my door. "Wait!" he said and he ran up to me. "Give me your phone" he said and held out his hand. I gave him a weird glare, but pulled my phone out of my pocket and placed it in his hand. "Some neighborhood. Getting mugged on my own doorstep" I mumbled while he was fumbling with my phone. He gave it back to me and said "if you ever need anything, anything at all, no matter what, day or night, you give me a call. Okay?" he said. "Okay!" I answered and put my phone back in my pocket. "And I mean anything!" he said, and there was the smirk again. "Yeah, sure." I said and opened my door. "Okay, bye!" he said and started walking back the way we came from. "Bye" I said, but he probably didn't hear me.



Counting stars (A Riker Lynch and Ross Lynch fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now