He reached the docks and it took him only moments to find the large fishing ship bearing the name Orion in bold script on the hull. There were a few men on deck, rough looking characters with tattoos inked onto their sun weathered skin. They regarded him casually, but something in their eyes made Alex nervous.

He boarded the ship, and one man approached him. He was tall, and thin, moving with the fluid grace of a cat. His black hair was slicked back, exposing his sharp eyes as they assessed Alex.

"Where's the girl?" He asked casually.

Alex stared back evenly, his voice cool as he replied. "That's none of your business. Where's Nerissa? She wanted to see me, here I am."

Sark narrowed his eyes slightly, then turned, motioned for Alex to follow, and moved below deck.

Alex hesitated only for a moment before following him. He blinked several times as they moved to the lower deck, his eyes focusing faster than they should. The lower deck smelled of fish guts and bilge.

"Captian! The boy has arrived!" Sark bellowed, pausing about five feet away from the stairs. 

Alex waited a foot or so behind him, ready to spring into action if needed. He watched a man a little over six foot tall with light brown hair approach, Nerissa stalking after him.

"Alex," She purred, "so nice to see you again."

He shot her a cold look, and then turned to Douglas. "Where are my friends."

Douglas raised one eyebrow and crossed his arms. "You're in no position to be making demands."

Alex mimicked his pose, crossing his arms and meeting his gaze without flinching. "I'm not going to tell you anything until I see that they're okay. Both of them."

Nerissa folded her hands on Douglas' shoulder and rested her chin on them, casting Alex a teasing look as she brushed her nose against Douglas' neck. "Douglas, darling, go get Alex's friends. Show him that we only want what's best for everyone."

Douglas nodded at Sark, who moved back further into the belly of the ship.

"Where's my dear little sister, Alex? You said you would bring her to see me."

"She's not your sister, and I never said anything."

"All the Nymphs are sisters, even if not by blood." She straightened up and prowled towards him. "She has you under her spell doesn't she?"

 He tensed as she began to circle him, growing steadily closer as her silky voice continued.

"Men, especially human males, have a strange attraction to us." She paused behind him, and rested her chin on his shoulder. "You know we can capture a man's heart? Make them think that they are madly in love with us, make them do whatever we want them to. All it takes is one...single...kiss."

Alex pulled away just as her lips were about to touch his cheek then turned his head to look at her, and smirked. "Did you know not all human males go for desperate females?"

Her eyes flashed red and she curled her lip back with a snarl, exposing her elongated canines.

"Nerissa." Douglas said carefully.

She spun on her heel and walked back to Douglas, calling over her shoulder. "Spells can be broken. And I intend to end whatever hold she has on you."

Before Alex could reply, Sark returned, holding Libby and Squints by an arm each. "The prisoners."

Nerissa smiled. "Oh thank you, Sark dear." She turned back to Alex and gestured at his friends. "Safe and sound, as you can see. Now where's the girl?"

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