I unlock my phone and glance down at the screen as I shuffle out of Lauren's room, shutting the door behind me. Three messages off Shawn, one off Zendaya and two from Dinah as well as a missed call, y'ano the one night I'm busy every fucker wants to talk to me.

I slowly make my way back towards the kitchen, reading the texts as I walk down the hallway, I lean against the wall outside the kitchen as I continue to read the messages, plus it sounds like Lauren and Normani are talking about something boring.

[10:32pm] Shawn: Did she like it?!

[10:37pm] Zendaya: Can we talk? I feel like a mega bitch

[11:09pm] Dinah: If you and Lauren are done fucking how about you come to a party with me ;)

[8:09am] Shawn: Wake your ass up so you can tell me what happened!

[10:19am] Shawn: You're so lazy its unreal, WAKE UP!

I lock my phone and then push myself off the walk, walking closer towards the kitchen and then waiting outside while I listen to Lauren and Normani talking.

"You really love her don't you?"

"Yes, she makes me smile; she makes me happier than anyone else I've ever been with."

"Even Ashley?"

"More than Ashley, I thought I was in love with her but I didn't know what love was until Camila came into my life."

Who the fuck is Ashley? Y'ano what I don't care what Lauren said was adorable.

"Aw I like it when you're like this, but if she hurts you I'll break her legs."

"No you won't Normani." I say, walking into the kitchen, making my way towards Lauren and then wrapping my arms around her waist before pressing my lips against hers. She dopily grins at me before lightly kissing me back as Normani groans and throws an apple at Lauren.

"Stop it you're not meant to be all cute."

"Shut up, where's my hoe of a sister anyway?"

"She's working, which means I'm bored." Normani replies, sitting on the kitchen worktop as my phone begins to vibrate in my hand; I answer the call without checking the caller ID because it's probably Dinah anyway.

"Hello you've reached Camila Cabello, number one teacher fucker and pot seller, how may I be of assistance?" I say into my phone causing Lauren to slap the top of my arm while glaring at me as Normani just laughs at me.

"First of all ew, secondly I can't party without you, last night fucking sucked."

"Aw see you miss me, I knew you would."

"No I miss going to parties with you, I don't miss you living with me, speaking of are you moving back in with Lauren?"

"I don't know, probably why?"

"Well I have a free house tonight because my mother has decided that she's going on some weekend away with my aunt. Whatever, so I'm having a party, and you're coming."

"That sounds more like a demand than an invite." I reply, as Lauren kinks her eyebrow at me and Normani just rolls her eyes because she can probably tell that I'm talking to Dinah.

"It is a demand."

"I don't know, I kind of just want to stay in with Lauren tonight."

"Hell no, you are not getting all fucking lovey dovey and housewife on my ass Camila, I will come round there and drag you out if I have to."

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