"Don't look at me like that; it's not my fault you can't eat properly."

"Shut up, I'm only a baby I'm allowed to make a mess." I reply, still glaring at her while eating more pasta, Lauren just giggles, sipping out of the glass of wine.

"Okay you don't get to call yourself a baby because it just makes me feel even older and makes me realise that this is still wrong. And I don't want to worry about that tonight." She mumbles as she places the glass down and just innocently smiles at me while picking up a forkful of pasta and then bringing it to her mouth. "If I get this on my face you better not laugh at me."

"Why shouldn't I? You laughed at me!" I whine, waving the fork at her while trying not to laugh because she's pouting at me.

"Because I told you to, and I'm older so you have to listen to me."

"I agree you are old, like so old."

She just glares at me, as I lean back in the seat while picking up the glass of wine and just sitting there smirking at her. She raises her eyebrows and I take a mouthful of wine before placing the glass back down and then leaning over the table, taking her hands in mine.

"You're lucky that I love you."

"Yea I know I am." I reply, winking at her as I graze my thumb over the top of her hand, she glances down and smiles while I eat another mouthful of pasta. Her feet move against mine underneath the table, she begins to move her foot up and down my leg.

"So what else have you got planned for tonight?"

"How about hot sex." I reply, smirking at her as she stares at me in shock, she shakes her head at me and I just laugh at her before giving her an actual reply. "I was thinking we could watch crap TV, eat cake and cuddle on the sofa."

"I don't know which one I like more."

"Well as much as I want sex, I'd rather just cuddle on the sofa with you" I say, smiling at her while running my fingers through my hair and then picking the glass up and taking a mouthful of wine. I place the glass down and then push my chair out before standing up and then walking round the table. Lauren pushes herself away from the table slightly and I sit on her lap with my left arm wrapped around her shoulders as she places her arms around my waist.

"I've missed holding you." She whispers against my neck before kissing her neck as I place my right hand over hers, placing my fingers in between the spaces between her fingers. I place my head against hers and we both just sit in silence, with only the sound of our breathing filling the apartment as I graze my thumb over the top of her hand.

"I've just missed you."

Lauren and I are on the sofa, we're both wearing sweats and t-shirts. I stole a pair of Lauren's sweats and put my t-shirt from before on. We've drank one bottle of wine and we're now on to the second one, if we continue drinking I'm going to be hungover tomorrow, wine is not my best friend it gives me a nasty hangover, like worse than I normally get.

I'm leaning against the arm of the sofa with my legs crossed and a blanket draped over me while Lauren is lay with her head resting on my lap as I run my fingers though her hair. I lean down and press my lips against her temple, breathing in the scent of her hair, it smells nice, just being able to smell the scent of her hair makes me realise how much I actually missed her.

We're watching batman, because who doesn't love superheroes? Plus I was pretty damn happy when I found batman in the mass of DVD's that Lauren owns. It just makes her even better because the batman movies are the only movies that I will actually watch all the way through.

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