Chapter 3

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During the next week I had a terrible headache and my tailbone really hurt so that when I walked it hurt. I remembered how much Sophia complained when her wolf tail and ears were growing. I was almost 16 so it would make sense if I was getting my tail, it would also explain why I kept hearing Rolf say stuff. I decided to stay off my feet and in the clearing as much as possible in order to give myself time to stop hurting. By the end of the week I felt better so I went out to take a bath. I don't think I ever needed a shower so badly.

You'd think living in the woods you would forget about privacy. With nobody there to see you, but I was never the kind of person to show off, so I had made a swimsuit sort of thing for when I bathed. It was closer to a bikini then a swimsuit. While I was changing into my swimsuit I noticed it felt bunchy around my waist, when I looked I saw a tail. I screamed and ran out of the little cave I had dug in a hill for changing, I didn't realize I would be changing like this.

I stopped running 'I'm running from my own butt.' I thought. I walked over to the lake to see if the tail was actually attached or if it was just stuck to my shorts and I saw that not only did I have a tail, my ears had changed as well. I was starting to get excited about getting my tail before Sophia when I realized the tail and ears were kind of foxish.

"When did you get a tail." a gruff voice said behind me. I spun around quickly to see who said that but all I saw was Rolf sitting there with his head cocked. "Did you say that?" I asked him "Yes." he replied. I screamed and almost fell into the lake behind me. "Your ears look nice too." "Uh. OK, thanks." I said half sitting down, half falling. "When did you learn how to talk?" I ask him "Since I was a pup." he replied "Then why didn't you talk to me before?" "I have, you just didn't understand me, now you have somehow learned wolf and we can understand each other." He smiled a little. "I guess I'm one of the few people that can understand wolf once their ears change." " OK but they do look kind of foxish."

I thought about it and while I was thinking Rolf yelped and jumped away. "What's wrong?" I ask him "You were on fire!" he exclaims with surprise. "What do you mean 'I was on fire', I'm not on fire." I say looking down at myself. "You were sitting there and you just slowly caught on fire then you looked at me when I yelped and you went out. Oh I know while I was out the other day there was a fox on fire and I put it out of its misery because it's burns were too bad. I think that's why your ears and tail look foxish. The fur and blood mixed with your blood, and it caused the tail and ears." "or their just red wolf like my parents." I say. "Hmm, makes sense to me. Wait, you people have tails naturally?" He asks. "Ya, I have heard some crazy things as too why but the most common is a bunch of crazy anime fans wanted to be anime so they found a geneticist to help them, then other people wanted tails and ears so they made it genetic. you know there is a legend of a Firefox person that will save a kingdom, but that's all it is, a legend, we don't have very many kingdoms nowadays." I says shrugging. Rolf wagged his tail and walks off.

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