"Dinah shut up and call Jilly. Camila we have to call Will so he can make sure the press doesn't find out right away and blow it out of proportion. Lauren I want you to find Ashlee so you can really see what her face looks like."

"I don't wanna find Ashlee that detective shit is for Dinah. I'll call Jilly plus she's cute. Plus I have a better chance of getting her to represent Normani." Lauren was being extra whiny for nothing. But she does have a point.

"Hell yeah I'll find Ashlee and I'll gladly let her know she fucking with the wrong clique. We will get Normani free. Normani will get justice. And I will finally put more than the tip in."

"SHUT UP DINAH!" Sometimes the girls get tired of Dinah's games

"You guys Normani did fight Ashlee she really did but the damages are being exaggerated. Her parents I know won't help after the big blow out that went down..."

"We don't need her parents. Shit fuck parents I've been trying to get rid of mine since I turned 18 Hell none of us  need our parents we're all grown and legal the fuck they gonna tell us."

"Lauren's right. Probably a bit high but still right. We can handle this. We don't have a choice but to."

"I'm glad you guys believe that since I'm hoping for the best too but. We can't forget that Normani is black. The world we live in today already she's her as a criminal. Having her in jail is icing on the fucking cake. You should have seen the way the officers were dragging her it breaks my hurt. I can't even process her being there right now in that cell all alone and cold it hurts me to the fucking core because it's all my fault. I don't even deserve her." Camila broke down in tears on the ground. Dinah had to scoop her up and place her on the couch. Until Ally came over and hugged her. They all gathered around her until the phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

"Who the hell? Hello?"

"Would you like to accept this incoming collect call? Press 1 for yes and 2 for no?"

"The fuck. Should I accept it?"

"I guess so."

Dinah accepted the call to be greeted by the voice she wanted to hear the most

"Dinah did Camila come home yet?"  The collect call was Normani from jail.

"Normani? Why didn't you say it was you I would have been answered the phone."

"Cause they don't have caller ID in jail dummy. But how's Camila? did you guys call Jilly yet?"
Before Dinah could get a word out Camila yanked the phone from her hands.

"Normani baby is that you? I love you and miss you so much Manibear I can't wait to get you out of there and home where you belong."

"I miss you too Camila and it's only been a few hours. I miss all you girls. Did you call Jilly?"

"Yeah Lauren is still on the phone with her too. But don't worry ot4 has this under control. We're gonna leave you and Camila to have a moment alone. Come on girls."
Dinah,Ally and Lauren went to the kitchen so the couple have share some time alone over the phone. But still ease drop to get some tea.

"Camila baby girl I know you feel like this is your fault but it's not. Don't worry about it. I'll go to hell and back for you I love you. This a minor setback for our major comeback. When I get out we're getting married right away. I don't even care if it's small or in a courthouse or we elope in Vegas. I want you as my wife officially after this."

"I love you more Normani. But I still feel bad. But I don't even want a big wedding right now eloping sounds great we can go to Vegas and have the girls as the witnesses. I just want you Normani not a huge wedding ring or wedding at all. I'm dying to be your wife already."

"God I love you Camila. Promise me no matter what happens even if I'm in here longer than I need to be we'll find ourselves back together."

"Normani you better act like you got some sense. Cause you got a dime and that's money well spent. You not going anywhere. And neither am I. We're The Hamiltons."

Even behind bars in the ugly colored orange jumpsuits Normani had to smile at Camila's goofy self.  Until the guard taped her shoulder telling her it's time to hang up.

"Camila I love you don't you forget it. I love you but I gotta go. I miss you. Tell the girls I love and miss them too."



"No need they heard you. But I Love you so much Normani I love you I love I love you and I miss you I wish we can talk longer but I miss you. I'll come see you. First thing in the morning."

"I'll be waiting Princess I love you."

"I love you more Normani." She could barely get that out before the line went dead and so did her heart. She dropped to floor so her tears could send her off to sleep hoping this all was just a dream.

Woooooow 5K reads I love you guys ❤️❤️💓
Thanks for the reading and comments. The book is gonna end completely different than it was before but I'm messy like that 😂😂 but there might be a sequel in the future 🙊. Will Normani get locked up? Will Camila move on? Will her parents ever come around? The answers are......


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