Need you

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"So for real your not gonna tell me what you and my mom was talking about?"
"Nope your never supposed to spill girl talk."
"Fine ok I'll respect your conversation."
"Thank you baby that's all I ask now let's go to bed we have to show your parents around tomorrow."
"They can get a tour guide I wanna sleep in."
"No we're taking them final decision."
"Whatever you guys have fun. I need to get tour ready like ASAP. We only have 1 day left."
"Your coming so shut up and two. You've been killing yourself for 2 weeks about the tour you've barely slept our eaten. You don't even make time for me You need to slow down."
"I'm fine trust me I got this. And after the tour we'll go on vacation just the two of us no fifth harmony,parents or siblings. Just Normani and Camila."
"You promise?"
"Pinky promise I love you."
" I love you more. Now gimme kiss we have rehearsal soon and you'll into Sasha Fierce mode and forget about me."
Normani rolled her eyes but none the less bent down and gave Camila a kiss.
"Yeah let's get going now. I don't wanna be late."
"Sometimes Normani I know the fans need us and need you but I need you too like a lot so don't over work yourself and frazzle out."
"I thought we just kissed and made up now your gonna rant about something we just fixed and talked about. I know you need me but so does the fans, the rest of fifth harmony and the crew need me. I'll always put you first but let's get the tour out the way first. End of story I'll see you at rehearsal."
Normani stormed out the door but not without slamming it. Camila was at a loss for words they don't usually argue and if they do it's petty. This one almost seems serious.
Little did Camila know this all apart of Normani's plan on proposing to her.

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