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A/N : bold + italic quotes are Jungkook speaking.


"Hey." Such a sweet voice.
"Hi Jagiya," I replied, I couldn't help smiling.
"Have you eaten yet?"
"Not yet. Have you?" He is so caring.
"Oh, I haven't either. Wanna go somewhere to eat together?"
"Of course!" Would I ever say no to you?
"Great! Then I'll wait for you there."
"Sure. I can't wait to see you." Even though I'm looking at you right now. Oh... And I'm very sure that I'll have arrived there first.
"Bye, Namjoon."

I frowned. "Tssk! That damned Namjoon, what does he think he is doing with my Jinnie❤️?" I said, a little too loud. Then realized my mistake as I heard footsteps towards me. I quickly hid in the bush. "I thought I heard someone,"Jin said into the phone. "Yeah, I'll get ready quickly." Jin smiled into the phone. He smiled for that Namgerm or whatever. Just thinking about that made my blood boil in fury.

I decided to leave for my meeting with my Jinnie. Of course, Jin doesn't know that he's meeting me, but that is a minor detailed that can be overlooked as long as I can see him.

Us: Stalks Jungkook while he is stalking Jin.

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