"What do you want Camila?" He mutters.

"Come pick me up, please."

"Why? Where are you? What's wrong?"

"I'm drunk, I'm at a party and Rachel is here, she keeps kissing me. Please Rob I just want to sleep right now."

"Where is this party then?"

"Um, I don't know it's near yours. Please come and get me I don't want to walk on my own."

"Canila I need an address." He says, getting slightly annoyed at the fact I'm slurring my words and also the fact it is 4am and I just rang him to come and pick me up. I turn around and look at the number on the house.

"Um...number 18 Bourneville Avenue."

"Fine I'll be there in ten minutes, stay away from Rachel and don't drink anything else." He says, in a strict tone before hanging up. I lock my phone, sliding it back into my pocket and then walking back into the house.

I stumble into the kitchen, grab a can of beer (who even listens to big Rob anyway?) and then make my way into the back garden. I spot Shawn sat around a fire pit with a guitar and a joint, his hat is on backwards and he grins at me as I walk towards him. I sit next to him and rest my head on his shoulder and he places his arm around me.

"When did you get back?"

"When Lauren decided that she doesn't want to be my girlfriend." I reply, taking the joint off him, taking a drag and then handing it back to him.

"So you came back here, where's Zendaya?"

"She's at Lauren's, with Normani. Lauren kind of walked in on me and Zen about to kiss." I mumble as Rachel staggers towards us. "This is just what I fucking need."

"Shit I forgot she was here."

"Oh I already knew, she pressed me against a wall and made out with me, that is after telling me that she misses me." I reply as she sits next to me smirking at me, I place my arm around her and she rests her head on my shoulder.

"Just friends?" She asks, looking up at me.

"Since when did you want just friends?"

"Since I realised that it's either just friends or nothing at all."

"So just friends then." I reply as she begins to shiver against me, I slide my jacket off and hand it to her, she smiles at me and then slips it on

"Camila." The moment I hear his voice I roll my eyes and stare at the fire in front of me, I glance up and he's stood in front of me, shaking his head at me.

"Hey Robby."

"I thought I said no more drinking and to stay away from Rachel." Rob says, glaring at me and then pulling me up, I stumble slightly and fall against him, I giggle and he just sighs. He picks me up and then walks through the house, a guy shoves a can of beer into my hand and Rob just glares at him.

"Smile Robby." I say, taking a mouthful and then goofily grinning at him.

"Camila it's four in the morning, you're wasted and you woke me up, so no I won't be smiling." He says, walking out of the house. "And put that fucking can down." He demands, slamming the front door behind him before walking towards his car. Opening the door and placing me inside, he straps me in and then gets in the driver's side, starting the engine before driving towards his house.

When we pull up outside I'm beginning to fall asleep, with my head resting against the window. Rob nudges me and I glance up at him, my eyes half closed and my hair stuck to the sides of my face. He groans and then brushes my hair off my face before unbuckling my seat belt. Rob gets out of the car and picks me up I wrap my arms around his neck and he kicks the car door shut, carrying me inside and then placing me on his sofa.

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