Chapter 30: What should I give her?

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James' POV

Time lapse to the end of November (between the 20th and 30th)

  I'm constantly thinking about selling shirts with "I saw sassy C and I liked it" written on it.


It's almost December and I still do not know what I will give to my friends as Christmas presents.

Carina said that Diggory and John are obsessed with a muggle thing called Star Wars, as well as Bruno's father. Although, Bruns describes it as "Something cool to watch when you're bored, no big deal". I think I could get on of those Star Wars for the two fans.

I don't know what I should give Bruns. What does he like? Once, he said that he missed his basketball ball, maybe I could get him one? I could ask C what that is, after all.

I shouldn't give Jay a present, should I?

The main problem is C; what does that girl likes, apart from my family, books, films and a weird thing called the voice?

  I want to give her something special, not an autograph of my dad, I can get this any day. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes? Same as the last option. And books?  No, something else. She just has way too many of them, I don't want her to become addicted.

  Then, I decided to ask my friends about it.

"Dude, I don't really know. Something of soccer?"

"Soccer?" I asked Diggory, who chuckled.

"A muggle sport, the one that we play using a ball, you know. We are obsessed with it. "

"But... is this easy to find?"

"On the Muggle World? Yeah, super easy actually" he added. 'You know...' , I thought. Most of the British do not agree with this slang, but I just got used to my friends using it.

Bruno's response was different...

"Something from your family. An autograph book?"

"I can get it any day. I want to give her something special. "

"I know! A house in Orlando and Universal's annual pass! The fastpass too! She'd love it!"

I rolled my eyes and yelled:


Now, do you want to know what John said?

"A Dunkin Donuts shop"

"You meant doughnuts, didn't you?"

"It's basically the same!"

"No, it's not. Doughnuts is the right way. "

John rolled his eyes and started walking away.


I had to ask people that I don't like!

"Books, of course. They improve knowledge, and they don't hurt you physically, much better than Quidditch. "

"Of course not!" I widened my eyes.

"Fine, Potter. Just do not tell people that I didn't try to help you!" Ginger Brown said, opening her book.

"Come on, Ging, you need to help me!"

"No, I don't! And do never call me Ging! You immature!" She yelled, walking away.

"Ugh. Back to the beginning..."

And weird people too, that occasionally remembered me my aunt Luna.

"Give her something special. "Claire told me.

"Such a helpful advice!"

She groaned in response.

"Something unique, that when you put your eyes on it you remember of her." She explained "Although, it has to be delicate. She is gracious, after all."

I suddenly remembered about something that I saw once, when I went to Diagon Alley...

"Thank you so much Wilkins, Claire! You really helped me!" I ran away to my common room.

"You're welcome, Potter!"


       I want to give my friends some Christmas presents. Could you please order some objects? If you say yes, please owl me, so I can send you the list as soon as possible.

James Sirius Potter

"Hi James!"

  "Hi, Victoire." I said, not really paying attention to her.

  "What happened, James?"


"Nothing? You call this nothing?" She pointed at me.

"I just... don't have any ideas of pranks."

She hesitated.

"I shouldn't be helping you with this, I know I'll get mad at you later, but... the soups can explode?"

My eyes suddenly shinned.

"Thanks, Vic!"

She smirked, going to somewhere else.

  My cousin actually gave me a good idea... I'll just wait for the right moment.

  This idea gave me another idea, even better than the first one. I await McGonagall's reaction, as well as my uncle George (when I tell him).

  Wait for me... I'm already grinning.

  No, but really; let's say that an specific piece of parchment and a certain cloak will be more used from now on...

  I solemnly swear I am up to no good.

  The first thing that I saw when I said those words was that Carina Taves was on the corridors at night, alone.

  "Seems like the knight has to save his princess from detention. "

  "Oh really?" Diggory rolled his eyes.

  "For sure. Mischief Managed. See you later, Diggory. "

  "See ya, Sirius. "

  As soon as I disappeared, I heard my friend sigh.

  A/N: Hi! Please comment and vote, I really need feedback! This chapter was short, tiny actually, so let me do something: next chapter will be huge!!:)
I had many ideas for the x-mas part, for the 4th, the 5th and the 6th year, and whoa! My friend (let's call her Claire Wilkins😂) improved one of my ideas and omg guys! GOOD CONTENT!!
Mischief Managed and see you in the next chapter!!

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