Chapter 15:Mary, OTPs and Mr. Potter

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[currently editing this chapter]

  "C? What are you doing here?"

  "I need to talk to you."

"Okay, start then."

  "Thanks for calling McGonagall, Jay almost burned us."

  "No problem, and sorry, but he's a coward."

  "Don't be sorry, I understand, I mean, look what he made to us!"

  "Yeah, but Potter should've not done that, but Casttellano was also impolite."

  "Yes, but the sorting, I mean, people sorted in his house, they confused him. He's nice, I hope he don't  make wrong decisions." 

  "It's nice the way you think, I mean, it doesn't matter his house, but you're determined to be his friend."

  "Of course!"

  "Well, I guess it's time to go. Lots of books to read! Thank you C, goodbye."

  "Bye Mary!" I gave goodbye to my friend Mary Lewis.

A/N: Jay was inspired on my friend, and I don't think that about him, but Mary is not me... Really, she's not.

  I went to the Gryffindor tower. I suddenly realized; the password... Oh my god.

  "Weasley's Wizard Wheezes." Someone said. The fat lady opened the portrait.

   "Hello, sugar."

   "Hello, full-mind prankster."

  "Missed me?" James asked.
  "Yeah, you know, those were the worst 30 minutes of my life." I played.

"Let's enter?"


"Ello James, and ... Carina? Yu know herr, Jamie?" Victoire was reading a book.

"Hi Vic, and yeah, I know C."

"That's ggreat! Oh, and James..." Victoire pointed to her necklace, a heart, that had a photo of her and Teddy.

"Congratulations, Victoire! " I exclaimed.

"Congrats Vic!"

"Thank yu!" She said.

"But, just to be clear; he asked to marry you or just to be your boyfriend?" James asked.

"Lazy James, of course to be my boyfriend."


"Anyway, congrrats Jamie." Victoire was looking at the fire, which made the common room both brighter and cozier.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because it's te fist time that yu walk with a gil that is not from da family fo a whole dai."

I blushed.

James looked at Victoire with that you underestimate my power classical look.

"Hey, C... Come with me." James said.

"Why?AH!" James pushed me, just to start running.

He started shouting. "Teddy! Tedster?! LUPIN!"

"James? Wh-"

"Vic, you... It went okay!?"

"Of course it went okay!" Teddy said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, that's good.Congratulations then!"

"Thanks Jamester."

"Congratulations Teddy." I said.

Mischief Managed [Harry Potter Next Generation]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora