Chapter 14: A new beginning

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I was not tired, I just couldn't sleep again.

  It was 4 am. I went downstairs, to the common room. There was nobody there. So, I started to re-read a book called Heroes of Olympus, The Lost Hero.

  At 5 am, someone called me.

  "Beauty? Already up?"

  Guess who it was? You got only one chance. It's obvious, really .
  Scroll down a bit for the answer.

  James. Again.

  "Hi there," I said.

  "Upset with the sorting?"

  "Not really. You?"

  "Nope. I mean, my cousin–pranking partner–Fred II, is only going to enter next year, he was born on the same year as I, but too late to be on the same school year."

  "I'm sorry." I said.

  "You don't have to be. Because I met you and your are incredible."

  "You met me yesterday! You don't know much about me. "

  "But," He started "I'll know more soon. Today, maybe, let's talk about ourselves?"

  "Fine. Now?"

  "Is tonight good?"

  "Yes it is."

  "Meet me here at ten."


  "I'll put my robes on." James said. I only realized that he was wearing his pjs at that time.


As I had nothing to do, I grabbed a piece of parchment and started writing to my family.

Hi mom, how are you? So, the sorting took place yesterday, I went to Gryffindor, Diggory too.

Remember Bruno? Of course you do, you're his godmother. So, we found out that he's also from Hogwarts, Gryffindor.

John went to Hufflepuff, and Jay to Slytherin. I knew that this COULD happen, but I was not sure about Jay.

I met a boy called James Sirius, he's Harry Potter oldest son. He's nice, I guess you would like to know that. Oh, and he's from Gryffindor (of course).
So, classes will start today, and I'm excited. I really need to go now, I have important things to do.

Send kisses to Connor,

Then, I went to the owlery. You're probably thinking: 'it's your first day and you know where it is ?" . Yes, I do. That's why y'all should read Harry Potter, children. Don't only watch the movies, I beg you.

  I was looking for Hedwig. Yeah, Hedwig; I named her after Hedwig the first, from James's father.

  "Hello, cutie." I said. She was like Hedwig I, she looked like her.

  "Could you please give this letter to my mom, Carla Taves? I know it's far away, but I need to talk to her."

  She got the letter and flied away.
  I was going back when I bumped into someone. Which was weird, as it was early in the morning.

  "Ooops, sorri. I waz going to zend a letter to my father." A girl said.

  She appeared to be older than me, fifth year maybe? She looked beautiful, blonde hair and light eyes, like she was part veela. Hum... Victoire Weasley?

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