Chapter 6: talking a little bit may be good, trust me

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  As I had told you, my mother was not at home when I received the letter, she was at the doctor with my little brother Connor, so I had to wait 2 hours to tell her. I was nervous, excited and anxious, but I eventually survived. 

  When she got home, I sat in front of her and started sweating (?), she obviously realized that something was wrong, or better, different. I showed her the letter, my lips trembling. Suddenly she smiled, hugged me like the best thing in the world had happened, I even caught her staring at my green, sometimes with a lighter (blue) tone eyes.

"I knew you would get it! Congratulations sweetheart, I'm really proud of you!"

Wait, What the hell?

I was definitely not expecting that. My mum knew about it? Why was she "proud" of me? Technically, wasn't I born like this? Or did I make this happen?

"Uh... Mom?"

" Yes darling?"

"You knew about it?"

"Of course I did!

" But..."I hesitated. "How?"

"I never told you, but I'm a witch."

  Okay then.

" Oh."

  If you mom ever look at you and say "Hey, I never told you, but I'm a witch okay?" Act like that's something normal that happens everyday, but don't believe her right away, I beg you to question her. To be honest, I was speechless. And I'm not a person who gets speechless easily.

  "What about dad?"

" He is a wizard too, but he studied at Castelobruxo."


  "Who? Where! It's South America's wizarding school. You see, North America's school is called Ilvermorny. There are other Wizarding schools all over the world, different cultures and different knowledges."

"Oh wow. That's so... cool." I said.

" It's weird. We live in Brazil, but you'll not attend CasteloBruxo." She said. Apparently, I was part of the wizarding world! That's the only thing that mattered, right?

"But who cares?" I asked.

"I do, because you'll pass the holidays at Hogwarts."

"Oh. Well, we can try something, I mean, it will only happen in the end of the year!" I tried to make things look better, I was not successful though.

Wow, C, you're such an idiot! Look what you are doing to the situation!

Thank you, I really appreciate your wonderful comment.

The day kept going, I went to bed like, 11 pm, after my father got home and we celebrated my acceptance letter. I decided to believe that I was going to Hogwarts because my mom studied there, plus she lived in the U.K. for such a long time. Even my father spent sometime working there, in the U.K.!

I closed my eyes, trying to imagine how Hogwarts really was. Would it be exactly as shown in the Harry Potter movies? Also, who would I meet over there? Would everything be okay? Would I miss my family? And the boys, my friends? More than a thousand questions that would be answered soon. I couldn't wait... if it was you, how would it be?

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