Chapter 20: Well, new people new pranks and that Snape guy cosplay

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  C's POV:

  You know that feeling?
  That feel;
That someone likes you?
Just because of his acts?
Or because the way he looks at you?
Or maybe, because of his smile?
And the other feel:
That there will be more nightmares this week?
Why do you think that, C?
Because I feel that something is still missing.
So you want a boyfriend, then?
I mean something is a MEMORY, silly.
And also that other feeling;
People will suffer because of me. So I can't stay with people.
When I say 'stay', I mean... Be something more to someone.
After that men send us to our classes, I got furious. First class of today was DADA, and om*g... I'll leave this as a mystery, the class. At least, for a while.

  Well, the rest of the day kept well, mostly . I was walking around the castle When I suddenly collide with a girl. Blue messy hair, then green, yellow, red... Another mertamophmagus. Also taller than me and holding a book. Not only one, at least 3. 3 books. Probably a bookworm. And she was reading one of them.
  "Sorry! I'm sooooo f*cking heedless when I'm reading! Do you like Percy Jackson?" She asked.
  I nodded.
  Completely normal, you know.
No, my attack when I realized that I talked with Harry Potter was different.
WAY different.
It was inside my mind.
I didn't expose myself.
Not much of it, at least.
But I could see on her;
Muggle world Fangirl, a bookworm, a real fangirl and... A super Fangirl bookworm.
  "What's your name?" I asked.
  "Violet Northwest. And I suppose you're Jame's Potter girlfriend. James the second, of course. Harry's parents are dead..."
  "He's not my boyfriend. Just my friend. Skeeter made things a lie."I concluded.
"Oh, I know! She's a git! A - no, let's reduce this amount of bad words. The real Violet fan_girl_03  can be mentioned as a person who knows how to spell a bad word on 394 languages.- *thing*! *another thing*! Daughter of Dolores Umbridge! "
"Uhm, yeah... I suppose " I said.
"Oh, I'm from the second year, by the way. Come talk to me someday! And bring Potter's son with you! Bye!" She said, and I didn't pay attention on her house... Brilliant.
She looked like a happy and excited person.
A girl, ginger hair mainly, but with a blue lock of it and freckles all over her face, was running and asked me:
"Excuse me, have you seen Violet? I'm looking for her!"
"Ahm, Violet Northwest?" I asked.
"Yeah! She's my cousin. Oh, and I'm Ginger, by the way."
"Ginger Northwest?" I asked.
"No! Of course not!-she was disappointed.- I'm Ginger Brown. What's your name?"
"Carina. Call me C. Sorry.And I saw Violet, she went that way " I said, pointing to my back.
"Thank you, C! Oh, you're from Gryffindor?"
"Yes I am, also a first year. What about you?"
"Ravenclaw, first too. So you are that Mary Lewis friend who got into a fight?"
"Probably, because I'm one of the only Gryffindor's who got in trouble in the first day. "
"Oh, so it's you for sure. Well, goodbye!"
What a huge conversation, huh?

  A new person who I met in the same day;
Black haired, purple  eyes and too
much dreamy. From Hufflepuff, Claire Wilkins.
  She was using a unicorn necklace and robes with Hufflepuff emblem.
   At least, this is what John pointed out.
  "It's like Luna Lovegood the second! Where's the originality?" He said.
  "Oh, maybe it's just her style, calm down." I said.
"But "
"Annoying." He rolled his eyes.


"Hey!" James exclaimed.
"Hey." I said.
  He went close to one of my ears.
  "Ready for the prank?"
  "Sure. As we are alone... Let's go, there's no one to interrupt."

   We were in the Great Hall. We looked carefully at the Slytherin table. We were holding laughs.
  First, a girl started shouting. She was looking to a boy who sit next to her. This was on the beginning of the table, by the way. Anyway, the boy got red dots all over his face. Acne.
  Warning; this product is sold on WWW. For more information, contact expert James Sirius Potter or George Weasley, owner of the shop.
  We were still holding laughs, but I was kind of jumping but still sit down.
   Then, a boy drank a drink (yep) and, well, he went without chin. Like, his face got big. I could not hold anymore. I started laughing. Same with James.

  Well, a resume of the rest; a person vomited, another passed out, and weird stuff happened.
  I fell from the bench. I was rolling in the floor, laughing. Same for James, I can say.

Remember the Snape cosplay guy? So, it's Professor Lest range (not Lestrange... Different.). He's Ew.

Double trouble, that's what he got.

"Ms. Taves, Mr. Potter? What brings you here?"
"Professor Snape." I said, popping the 'p'.
"Snape? Oh... Professor Lest Range?"
  James nodded. "But what's life without a few dragons, huh?"
  I looked at him. "When you say dragons you mean pranks?"
   He looked to the front and smirked."For sure."
  McGonagall gave me a look. "I can see that you are worse than your uncle, Ms. Taves."
  "Let me guess; bad behavior and good grades, professor?"
  She nodded.
  "So yes 'mam, I am."
  James nodded and clapped his hands.
  Our professor just rolled her eyes. "Well, you know what Mr. Potter? I'll let you go. But just at this time. Do not think that I'll always do that. Goodbye ."
  "Bye Professor, and thank you."
  She nodded and gave us a look.

First of all; sorry for the late update. I've been really busy. And btw sorry for the small chapter. I know it's not good or even if it's much, but I had tests on the last weeks... Sorry:(
  Am Well, that's it!

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