Chapter 25: John, you rude!

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"Wow!" Diggory exclaimed, amazed. Hufflepuff's common room was, certainly, huge. My friends didn't know, but as we would turn to sit down in the sofa, we'd see Claire, waiting for us. I had to tell her... Otherwise, no rhythm. But she is good to keep secrets, I think.
Hufflepuff's (common room) was yellow, and we could see the outside's ground, and if it was allowed, we would see the students. Yes, the room is in the underground part of the castle. It had a lot of plants (probably in honour of the last Herbology teacher, Pomona Sprout), and I don't know why, the smell over there is really good. I don't know if it's because of Helga Hufflepuff's talent on cooking or because the room is close to the kitchen, probably because of both.
"Hi C! Hello Potter, Diggory and Bruno." Claire Wilkins got up and said shyly. Diggory jumped when he listened to her voice, scared.
"Err... Hi Claire."
"Hello. It worked, C?" She asked me, turning her back to him, Diggory.
"Yes, Claire. However, we had some difficulties because someone didn't listen to me, right Bruno?"
He swallowed.
"Of course."
I smiled, satisfied.
"Sorry for ending the 'I was always right' moment dear, but when we'll start the fun?" James asked with a malicious smile. Why he looked so much as a Ginny Potter, Harry Potter and the Weasley Twins mix?
Diggory laughed sarcastically. "She'll never stop. She loves being right. Maybe because she is always right?"
"Mostly. Always is a heavy word." Bruns murmured.
"Oh, I agree. Do you, James?" Claire was looking at him.
"Er... I... Don't... Know?" He shrugged, confused.
"You should. Specially being who you are and"
"I know who I am, thank you very much Diggory." James interrupted our friend, raising his voice, angrily. "Don't act like Skeeter."
James was not kidding.
Diggory, winked, upset. He just said what he was thinking, 'was that a mistake?' He probably asked himself.
Claire tried saving the situation.
"That's how you get to John's dormitory." She pointed to a place in the room. "Good luck."
"On what?" James asked. God, was he still angry?
"On not getting suspended."
I shook my head. "Great point. Thank you very much, Claire."
She smiled, satisfied with herself. "No problem."


"Wake up, John!" I whispered, my mouth was close to his ear.
"Uh?" He murmured, sleepy, eyes were still closed.
"Wake. Up!" James said, running out of patience.
"Hell, as always...He will probably continue sleeping."
"You're right, Diggory'
"Shut up, Bruns."
"Abaffiato!" I whispered. Then, screamed:
"I'M HERE, MOM! Oh, what are you doing here? What is SHE doing here?" John was surprised, more than anything else. He looked at us (more specifically, me ), waiting for a response. James was the one who decided to talk, but not to talk as a intelligent person -No!-, but as an idiot. You all know that I'm kidding, don't you?
"We are doing a surprise for you. Surprise! And she's here because of the surprising group."
"When you said 'surprising group', you meant detention group?" John asked.
"Yeah, that was exactly what I meant." James looked around, examining the dorm. "I thought your common room would be... great. Magnus!"
"We, hufflepuffs?We are simple. And isn't 'Magnus' a latim word?"
"Wow, he's not as dumb as I thought he was." Bruns murmured to Diggory, probably kidding. But if he was, he didn't clarify that.
As soon as these words were spoken, both started arguing. Like, I didn't know what to do. Your friends are arguing; if you think friend A is right and you tell them that, friend B will be upset and stop talking to you for a while, maybe stop being your friend; maybe friend B stop arguing with f. A and start arguing with you. Ugh, that's confusing! The best option is to tell them to stop, and that was what I did.
"Could you please stop? Otherwise we can earn another detention."
"But... Uh, as you wish, my lady." James whispered, and I think no-one (but me) heard that. I gave him a small smile, and thanked the act.
"I think you should go."
"We just got here, John!" Diggory exclaimed, exhausted.
"I don't care."
"Teddy can see us." I snapped.
"Fuck it, I want to sleep."
"And I want to stay! That's actually a big argument." James started laughing, probably in a sarcastic way...
"Good night." John lay down on his bed and started to sleep.
"I hate when you do this." I grumbled; there was no answer.
"Let's go?"
"For sure, there is nothing else to do."
"We wasted a visit to a different common room! That's..."
"Obvious. I know."Said James, impatiently cutting Bruno.
"You need a bath, Bruns. It will make you feel better."
"No, thank you Digs."

"I need to walk outdoors for a while. "Said James, already at the dusty corridor, outside of the passage. "See you in the morning."
"Are you okay?" I asked him, worried.
"Yes, thank you. Goodbye."
That was not James; something happened, for sure. Where was the full-mind prankster that I met on the first day of September?

A/N: sorry for the small chapter, but I'm already writing chapter 27! Omg I'm going to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter this week! I'm really excited! As I got to go, goodbye! See y'all later!

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