Chapter 8: "Uh, alright. You are the weirdest person I've ever met."

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  10 days after John's party; May the 14th, 2015.

I put a polka dot dress; pink background and white spots. I also put white ballet flats.

"Mom, I'm ready!"

"Alright sweetie, get the gift and then we can go."

  It was Diggory's birthday: the day of the truth.

  I knocked on his house's door. He opened it, smiling as usually.

  "Happy Birthday dude!" I said.

  "Thanks, Carina!"

  I gave him his gift, a Star Wars combo; a t-shirt and a light saber. Yes, John and Diggory were huge Star Wars fans.

  "Thank you, C! This T-shirt is awesome."

  I smiled. "You deserve it." Then entered his house.

  "Also, I've got a letter. And it's weird. Here, take a look." He said.

He gave me the letter ; Welcome to my reality, mate!, I thought.

"10 days ago," I started "We had that discussion, right?"

He nodded.

"So, it was about that. Congratulations! You're a wizard, Diggory!"

I've always wanted to say that.

"Alright, so... Let's wait for the others." I sounded like Ahm, alright. You are the weirdest person I've ever met.

" Yeah, should we play FIFA while they aren't here?" I asked.

"Sure! I was going to suggest that." He said.

We played a lot, until John and Jay arrived. Yeah, it was a small party. When they arrived, we continued playing! No, we were not obsessed with eletronic games and stuff from that type, it was just...Well, FIFA games are good, aren't they? Look from our point of view; we were bored.

  Important analogy: when you're bored, play FIFA. You'll feel better.


  We played FIFA, played FIFA, played Call of duty( FINALLY!!!!!) and then we talked a bit.

  "As we all got Hogwarts' acceptance letters, we need to celebrate!" I said.

  "Okay, C, but how will we go to London?" Jay said.

  "Uh, I don't know... By plane, of course?!" I said, a bit sarcastic.

  "How will we buy the tickets?" John asked.

  "Uhm, there's a think called internet, I will present it to you. Internet, John. John, Internet! And this is an computer. Say: 'Hi computer!' " I said.

" C, I'm not dumb, I thought you knew that."

  "Thank you!Thank you! I know, I'm awesome!" I continued.

  "I liked that analogy, you dumb John." Digs smirked.

  "Shut up idiot." John argued.

  "No, thanks idiot." He answered.

  "Why are y'all so mean?"

  "I don't know too." Jay said, thinking.

  "I was also talking about you!" I said.

  "How you could?! I'm an angel!" Jay pretended to be offended, making a not really convincing expression .

  Once again, we all started laughing. Silly enough not to laugh once a day eh?

  After eating the cake, we all went home.

  "Diggory got it! We will be the all together!"I exclaimed as soon as I entered my mom's car.

  "That's nice, Carina."

  "When are we going to London?"

  "August 10th. Actually, you all, not us, you and your friends will be with some friends of mine."

  "Their names are...?" I asked curiously.

"Neville Longbottom and Hannah Longbottom, was once a Abbot."

  "AHHH!!!!NO!NO WAY!"

  Yes, I enjoyed the idea a lot, it was...Unbeliavable! Just imagine; you are already going through an life-changing experience and then, you meet someone you nearly idolize.

  She smiled.

  "He will also be your professor!But he'll only supervising you, you'll be at leaky cauldron."


  Isn't that awesome?Yay yay yay! Yayyyyyyy!  Wowowowowowowow! Wow!Mr. Longbottom!Mrs. Longbottom! MY DREAMS ARE COMING TRUE, ONE BY ONE! Wait...What if?


Hey guys! Here's the writer! If you're reading this after May 2017, I have already edited this and many other chapters and you won't see this fanfiction (I hope you don't at least) as much as the epic failure that it is/was. Grammar, punctuation and other mistakes... it was much worse! Anyway, I hope you are enjoying it. English is not my first language by the way. See you later!

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