"She's unique", he said remembering back to their time in Camelot where his brunette mother had told him about her reason for her love for Daniel. And Regina chuckled at him.

"That she is. Very much unique. And I think I've always seen that in her. She's special and I fell in love with her. Faster than I was comfortable with, I admit. But I love her Henry. Just as much as I love you. And much like with you, I won't be able to live without her. I don't care if she isn't my soulmate. I don't even care if she's not my true love. No matter what she is to me, I love her for who she is inside. Not because she's the savior or because she's your other mother, or even because she reminds me of Daniel. I love her because she's herself. Because she believed in me when no one else did. Just like you did", she finished and Henry smiled wide hugging his mother even more tight.

"I'm glad to hear that mom. And don't worry. I'm one hundred percent sure that mom loves you just as much"

"How can you be so sure Henry?"

"I see it in her eyes. The way she looks at you", he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world and Regina smiled at him.

"I will never break up with Emma. I love her too much to let her go", she said and Henry smiled and kissed his mothers cheek before hugging her tight once more.

"I love you mom"

"I love you too Henry", she answered and Henry smiled wide. He looked down and saw Crevan looking up at them with adoring eyes.

"And we love you Crevan", he said taking the fox into his arms. Regina smiled and kissed Crevan's head before turning back to her pancakes.
Emma walked inside the station and jumped around as she let the snow fall from her body, trying to get warm. She walked inside meeting her father by the cells.

"Hey dad", she said in small voice and David knew something was wrong the moment he heard his daughters small voice and it of course also confused him to see his daughter at work at all when she was supposed to be at home sleeping.

"Emma. Everything alright?", he asked walking towards her and Emma smiled sadly at him and nodded, but David easily saw the tears starting to form in the blondes eyes and sighed before bringing his arms around her. Emma sighed and let her tears fall in her fathers arms.

"Me and Regina are fighting", she said through cries and David sighed and held his daughter tight as she cried her heart out.

"It will all be okay", he said and Emma nodded, but didn't quite believe it as much. She would never have so much faith as her parents have.

"Are you sure you want to work while you're like this?", he asked her after a few moments and Emma nodded taking a deep breath.

"I do. I just need to get my mind on something else"

David nodded and kissed her forehead before taking his jacket.

"I'll see you later", he said before walking out, leaving Emma alone with her thoughts.
Regina sat in the living room reading her book, she heard a knock on the door. She stood from the couch and walked to the dining room, towards the door before opening it only to discover two small present. She sighed and looked back up the stairs. When she didn't see her son anywhere, she waved her hand letting the presents disappear.

What she had told Henry was true. She loved Emma more than anything and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with her. They were having a baby together and everything. But she was hurt that Emma had lied to her. Emma knew how she felt about lies. Especially if it was from people close to her. But of course she understood Emma's choice. It was a secret after all. That was the point of all of it. To let it stay a secret until the last day. She understood Emma. She understood her choice. But no matter what, she was still hurt when the woman had denied her suspicion as her as the secret admire and she couldn't look at Emma for that right now. Especially not the gifts she apparently still received. Not that she had believed anything less. She knew Emma enough to know that the woman would continue till the last day.

Merry Christmas (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora