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First of all before I get into Wicca and stuff I just want to ya know....( talk? ) to you guys a lil.

I myself am a huge supporter of the LGBT community. And if I see any person insulting let's just say I give them SOLID piece of mind.
Everybody is a human being and is perfect just as they are.
Nobody's sexuality or gender describes the kind of person they are.
Heck, anyone could discover their sexuality any time. For all you know your friend or maybe you turn to be one of the LGBT community.

I hate it when people insult or discriminate against them.
There are many YouTube bloggers who can be a huge inspiration for all you people to come out of the closet.

And if you are still in the closet about your gender or sexuality and want to tell your close friends and family - just remember; only YOU know how they would react.
If you fear their judgment just remember that if they truly love you, they won't question your choices , in the end it is your life and you need to decide who you want to love or even not love ( if an aromantic asexual. Hey! No one is here to judge)

Just remember to be true to YOURSELF.
it does not matter whether you are bi, lesbian, gay, transgender, agender, asexual or for that matter ANYTHING.
The most important is that YOU should accept yourself first.

( It's quite a chill religion and practice TBH )

Being any of the above those not hurt some one.
It is who you ARE AND A PART OF YOU.
Wicca believes in equality and happiness in all no matter what.

By being a LGBT, you are just being true to yourself and that's exactly what Wicca means.
Wicca is about being true and good to everybody. And to be honest, Wicca has no problem with anything unless you are hurting some one, that is.
It's nothing to be embarrassed. It is who you are and if you are happy? Fuck the world.
Merry meet guys!
This chp is not to offend or defend anyone. It is my personal thoughts I am sharing with you, ( and come on guys! Humanity )

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And really guys, your ONE vote and comment make my whole week, TBH.
Hope you have a nice day ( or night ) and
Blessed Be

WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA by an eclectic witchWhere stories live. Discover now