How to come out or practice in the broom closet

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Many of you have asked me how to come out of the broom closet.
And it is not going to be easy let me tell you that and also not it is not going to be the same for everyone.
Some may have it easy with their parents and friends like I did whereas some of u may have to struggle allot. And then there will be some of you who would just like to stay in the broom closet and decide not to tell anyone because why should people know what your following.  It is your own personal choice and again you do you.

Coming out of the broom closet -

It can be difficult and frustrating at first but once you have come out you feel as if a great weight has been lifted from upon you.

One way which you can do is that make your parents or your friends sit down and then tell them you are a witch or a Wiccan .
If you want it to be more subtle just go like - hey guys! You know I actually follow Wicca be witchcraft?
After to say this some will be cool and to others you need to explain. Or you could just start by explaining. It is your choice and all you need to do is think about how a person would react and the tell them.

If you just want to come out to your friends or your parents you can go quite easy and smooth. Again it depends what situation is there.
And then there are some people who just go fuck it, and then just go for it because why not.

Practicing Wicca and witchcraft in a broom closet.( just a look through, a big and long chp will be dedicated to it)

Now comes the question of practicing Wicca and witchcraft under the age of 18 or when inside the broom closet.

There are a few steps that you can follow .
1. If your mom does not like you being a Wiccan, you can use different correspondences to fill in the place of that object because at the send of the day your magic and intentions matter. ( there will be a chp about what can replace as what when you can't get or buy stuff )
And the best time for doing it would be probably at night, nice the moon can give you power or when nobody is home.

2. Now if you are out of the closet to your parents and even if not but they don't care.
You can set up your own alter upon which deity or guardian you want it based upon or just a very simple witch / Wiccan alter.
You can light incenses and candles for your practice, meditation or to just simply clam you down. I personally love lavender and different smells of trees like mahogany teakwood or sandalwood etc. for me they help me calm down and concentrate.

3. Being under the age of 18 or living with someone else and practicing Wicca and witchcraft can be allot of work when people dont know what you do and assume things and the worst, they do particular things infront of us just to piss us off . ( look out for the chp which I would soon be uploading about what we say or do and what all we hate when people do some very particular things. In my opinion it should it cool. Look out for it! )
Like you feel as if you need to stay In a boundary and that you can't let your self free because you don't when who will come barging in.  It could be your parents, your roommate or even your sibling. It's really annoying. Especially if you are in the middle of a ritual and your mom Knocks on the door demanding you to keep you stuff inside from the drawing room.
It is a little frustrating.

4. Still inside the broom closet? Try going out in the garden of or near a lake or beach nearby ( if u do) and try of concentrate and mediate over there. ( a chp will be going out about meditation.)
Being with nature will surely calm you down and help you concentrate better.

5. and if you guys dont have enough money to but crystals or your parents or guardians are not allowing it, dont worry. you guys dont need crystals to make you do good in your craft, it plays some role but all that matters is your true intentions and your inner belief and magic.

This is just a small version for you guys..
I will be writing a really long and detailed chp about this since many of you are still in the closet and are under 18. Just like meeeeee.

Merry meet guys!!
Thank you for all your reads and support. I still can't believe we have got more that 80 views. I am so glad we could make our book grow and also don't forget to recommend this book to others so that even they can gain knowledge.
And the next update would actually be about all the chp I WILL be uploading. Because trust me the list is looooonnnnggggggggg.

Hope you guys enjoyed it and if you liked it don't forget to vote and comment and also to add to your library so that you don't miss any update .
Hope you have a nice day and
Blessed Be!

WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA by an eclectic witchWhere stories live. Discover now