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* I do not own this picture.
This is going to be a very staging forward chp. No formalities coz this is a serious one.
Hope you all can understand.
And also remember this practice is not just glam and tools, it is something much more.
If you are here just for the tools and call yourself a Wiccan I would recommend to become a little serious about it.

Now, this is going to be a long chp.
So buckle up and stay tuned.
Love ya!

Before starting off you guys NEED to know that Wicca is a nature based religion and means no harm to anyone ( even themselves ) and THEY ARE NOT EVIL.

When you are first starting off you wonder- where do i start.
When I started ( not so long ago... Trust me) I felt like a fool in this area. I used to wonder how do people remember all of this. If your intention is pure , it will happen.
And I am here to tell you all about it.

If you are under 18 ( like my self ) and live with your parents ( like my self) YOU NEED TO KNOW YOUR SHIT and OWN it. Especially if your parents s don't know what all it is about.
You need to research. Don't forget, every person has his or her own opinion.

If you are young and want to do this craft start now. The magic comes easier and flows within naturally in children. The early you start the less magically exhausted you feel when you grow up.

When you are starting your craft as a witch keep in mind what kind of witch you want to be.
If you want to be a green witch or a kitchen witch etc, it is completely your choice.

Before starting off remember, you won't be able to know or do everything instantly. It will take years and years of practice and intuition.
Don't just feel low, if you can't do a spell. Give it time. It shall happen. Keep your thoughts ans mind clear and good.
Steps to look on to before beginning-

1. Gather as much Intel as you can
You want to try and gather as much Intel as you can.
Go online, find a good YouTube channel where you know all the content is good. ( I can tell you guys some if you are looking for some)
And also just read a book on wattpad ( did you see what I did there? )
Or just buy books on Wicca to know more.

2. Before starting seriously look upon it -
and wait, it could even take 5 years or even 10 but until you are not sure about this path or any path do not take it up and call your self a Wiccan or witch. See if it's good for you and brings you peace.

3. Meditation
Try and mediate as much as you can. See if you can if not, start from there. Work on it, until you perfect it.
Before you start this craft, May that be Wicca or Witchcraft, meditation is the spine of this religion and practice.
You change intentions, cast spells, perform rituals and do all this kind of stuff via meditation.
If you think you are not that good at meditation? DO NOT cast a spell or do a ritual until you think you can meditate well enough to spread or cast that intensity of magic.
Doing rituals that require allot of your power even exhausts you, making you not able to perform spells and rituals properly.

If you cannot afford alter tools or crystals or if your parents don't allow and maybe you are still in the broom closet, DO NOT WORRY.
In Wicca, the tools are secondary, what you really need is your intuition and true pure intention and magic, which every person and everything present in ye cosmos has.

Many of you also asked me what spell should one do, which is easy and perfect for a beginner. The one in which no to old would come in handy.
* ( disclaimer - many people use tools and crystals and herbs for it. It is completely fine to do so. I am just telling you guys which does not need one. )

In my opinion, no matter how many tools or no tools, one should start with a protection spell or protection magic.
When you concentrate and call upon the spirit, it is natural that along with the good ones uninvited guests come along. And trust me, you do not want a bad spirit up your ass.

It can mess up your life pretty bad. TRUST ME.
In this craft, you need to protect your self from negative energies and spirits. For doing so, first start with a protection charm ( I will be doing a chp on that!! So don't worry if you don't knowing ) , after you have mastered that move on to the protection spell and in the end the ritual. Only after you have the confidence and the power to protect yourself move forward in this craft.

If you really want to master at one magic, I would recommend healing magic since, Wicca is all about hurting none, and if one does get hurt, you have the power to heal that person.
AGAIN, this is all your choice.

Many people after starting Wicca feel it is not for them. If you are really dedicated you can try different forms of Wicca and witchcraft and also merge the aspects of certain religion since, it is YOUR practice and your choice.
You guys can also go for a break with Wicca and mediate or just question about why you are not in touch anymore.
And if you want to go for an entirely new religion go for it! This is about YOUR journey not others.

Sometimes we all need a break.
I have some days where I don't go near my alter for 1 - 2 weeks which is not good but studies come in the way.
I am not saying go there everywhere, but go there at your own pace.
If your parents think that you are spending too much time at this and less at your priorities, prove them wrong and excel at both!

Again, if you guys want to know about anything else, all you need to do is message me or just leave a comment!
1066 words!
Oh my gosh guys!
This is the longest I have ever written.
Please comment if you want these long chp or how they were before.
I really hope this helped you all.
Any requests shall be taken in.
And question will be answered.
If you liked this chp please vote and comment and also, add it to you library so that you don't miss any update.
Hope you all have a nice day and
Blessed Be!

WITCHCRAFT AND WICCA by an eclectic witchWhere stories live. Discover now