Those words stuck with me. I never realized until now, that he's been there for me. Maybe I am just overreacting. Hopefully when I get home, he'll be there so I can make it up to him. If you know what I mean.

"Thanks mom,"I replied smiling. She smiled back.

"You are more than welcome."


As I expected, Ken was home. His car was in the driveway. Getting out of my G-Wagon, I walked to the front door. I opened it, making my way inside. The tv was playing from our upstairs bedroom. To be the bigger person, I walked upstairs to the bedroom and Ken was asleep with his phone on his chest. Perfect timing. I thought to myself. But then, something was telling me not to look through it.

I stood there in front of him, watching him sleep. I know, creep. But I needed to find out. I picked up his phone, contemplating. Should I look through it? What if he catches me? I was thinking so hard. Out of no where, I sat his phone on the dresser. I guess it wasn't the right time. After that little conversation with myself, I decided to climb on Ken to make him wake up.

Ken stirred in his sleep a little bit. He didn't wake up. So I decided to kiss all on his neck. He groaned softly fluttering his eyes open. He smirked and stopped kissing him and smiled at him. Ken asked, "What is this?"

"I'm sorry for not trusting you. I got a little uneasy and I went overboard with this whole situation. Forgive me?"I poked out my bottom lip. Ken sat up in the bed and kissed me on my forehead. I smiled.

"You was really on one this mornin' ma,"Kenton said laughing. I smacked my lips and playfully rolled my eyes.

"I know that, but I had a good reason."

"How could you think I would cheat on you?"he asked me. I shrugged looking down at my fingernails. "Look at me,"he demanded. I looked up and he was looking dead at me. "Two years ago, I made a promise to you and my dead grandmother. I made promise, to never hurt you and always love you. Why would I throw that away over a quick fuck? There is no other girl that you need to be worried about, or you would need to compete with. Hear me? The only thing you need to be worried about is making sure your man is satisfied."

"Gooood bye,"I smiled removing myself from off him. I laid on the other side of the bed and faced him.

"You was turnt,"Ken responded making me sick my teeth.

"Oh my goodness Ken, I know. I'm moving on so shut up about it,"I said laughing but slightly annoyed. I know I shouldn't have accused him like that but still, I'm pretty sure every girl would do the same thing.

"You mad?"

"You're getting on my nerves. I know I probably shouldn't have acted the way I did towards you, but I had no other choice. You can't just do that type of stuff and expect me to think there's nothing going on. That's bad on my part. Of the tables were turned how would you feel?"

"I wouldn't  upset because it's a prank. Damn, chill out."

"Whatever Kenton,"I mumbled turning around on my side. I had to go to sleep before I went off on him. He knows what he's doing and free that speech he gave me, didn't even change a thing.

I heard Kenton sigh and I felt the bed move. Ken turned my way pulling me closer. I couldn't say it didn't feel comfortable because it did. "You that mad at me?"Ken asked with his arms wrapped around me.

"Yes I am, but I'm willing to let it move past us. If you're not cheating on me then I believe you. But don't do it again Ken," I explained.

"I hear you baby. I love you,"Ken mumbled into my neck making me smile.

"I love you too."


Hey y'all! Not as long but this should hold you over for a little bit. Please comment and vote more!! More of that and I will update Rocky. 💯👌

Do y'all think he's cheating?
Or is Nikita taking it overboard? 😳

As always, Much love and respect. 💯💕😘

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