Inevitable Succession

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Answer to last chapter question:

The Wolf That Fell in Love With Little Red Riding Hood


Kaai Yuki


Chapter 10: Inevitable Succession

Two blonde children with akin semblance, sat side by side on the greenhouse floors. Flowers bloomed beautifully in many colors, yet yellow blossoms stood out amongst them. The female of the teens hummed a small tune as she tended to the flowers around her.

The boy watched her with interest in his eyes, noticing how gentle she was. Little things he had not detected before, others amplified. The movement of her hair, her scent of oranges, the smile that played on her lips, the sparkle in her eyes that matched his own. It all made him want to smile as well.

He couldn't help but feel relaxed near her. He was finally able to be so, now that they were even closer. As she repotted a particular plant he watched with interest. This girl in front of him could never harm a being, you could tell just by looking at her. She was just that innocent.

Rin had always been that way. Len didn't want to corrupt that pure soul of hers with his misdeeds. Though he convinced himself he was doing what was right he couldn't erase the sick feeling it gave him.

"Sorry Len, are you bored?"

"Huh?" Len looked up realizing her musical voice was directed towards him.

"Am I being boring to you? Would you like to do something else?" She bit her lip frowning slightly.

Len's eyes widened in surprise then he shook his head "No it's alright, I'm fine." He assured her.

Rin tilted her head, not fully believing him after all she had dragged him there, after having returned from school. She glanced around thinking then a thought occurred to her.

"Heehee I know what we can do.~"

Len peered at her confused as she gently lifted up some garden sheers that were near her and began cutting some tiny flowers free. Len didn't understand why she would deliberately cut her flowers. After gathering a pile of them she began weaving them together. Len tried to figure out what she was doing but had no idea.

Without warning his eyes shifted to the shears left unattended on the ground. His breath hitched as he saw the similarity they held with scissors. His hands twitched inside the pockets of his hoodie. He bit his tongue trying to calm down. But they were staring at him, sparkling in the rays of light emitting from the windows.

It became intoxicating, suddenly they were all he could see and he wanted them so badly. One hand slipped from his pocket as he thought about how odd it was for anyone to be so infatuated with something such as that....scissors really?

His fingers inched across the grass, crawling like some creature towards the sharp tool. It was so close now.

"Len! All done!"

Something was plopped onto his head and he blinked out of his reverie. He tore his gaze from the scissors to stare at the girl across from him. She giggled pointing excitedly at the object on his head. He lifted the same hand to feel around and gasped as he noticed the softness of it.

"The flowers?" he asked her, with a puzzled expression.

"Yup! It's a flower crown just for you Len!" She clasped her hands together.

Len's cheeks reddened and he tried to stare elsewhere then at Rin. His gaze was caught back onto the shears. He gulped and clenched his fists, forcing himself to look back at Rin.

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