Insecure Tendencies

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Chapter 2: Insecure Tendencies

Lights brightly illuminated the large house. Excited children's voices mixed within the low murmur of the watchful adults. A few balloons floated up towards the ceiling getting caught where corner met corner.

A lone woman descended the spiraling stairwell that poured into the crowd. Her silver blonde hair and soft features didn't seem to fit the name she was called.

"Gran Ann!"

Sweet Ann turned to face her two grandchildren.

"Hello there, Lily, Oliver, enjoying the party?"

The youngster's grins gave their unspoken answer. Ann looked around wondering where her youngest grand daughter had gone.

"Where is Rin?"

The siblings exchanged confused looks


"Rin, your little sister, who just turned three today"

They stared up at their grandmother blinking as if they had no idea what their grandmother was saying.

"Rin, the one who this party is for children"

Recognition showed in the two's faces. Ann smiled relieved she finally got through to them.

"Mother said this party was for us"

Ann's smile vanished staring at them incredulous.


"For Oliver getting into his school" Lily stated.

"...and for Lily placing first in the competition" Oliver added.

Ann leaned down grasping both children by a shoulder.

"What about Rin!?"

The children were as confused as ever, Ann let her hands slide off their arm down to her sides again. Her expression darkened.

"Where are your parent's?"

She straightened as Oliver pointed vaguely to the left. Ann marched past the two without another word or a glimpse back. She went straight to a rather large group of adults gathered by the grand fireplace. They were conversing in a dry monotone.

"Where is Rin?!"

Ann took no time to be polite. This was too important of an inquiry. Her voice had an edge of irritation to it but was mostly filled with worry. The group stopped speaking at once. A man turned to her.


His face showed embarrassment; of course she had interrupted him during an important business plan with a fellow businessman. To have someone with so little respect for such matters in his house, much less his family was a huge disgrace.

"Leon, where is Rin? Where is your daughter?"

Ann flipped her head causing a wave of hair to tumble over her thin shoulder. She placed her hands firmly on her waist. The group remained quiet, standing in a close knit. Finally after a moment the silence broke.

"My apologies to you, Mr. Hatsune, my mother is raving mad sometimes when she hasn't had her coffee. She says such odd things, come, come mother let's get you to the kitchen."

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