Pinocchio Syndrome

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Answer to last chapter question: Sonika!


Chapter 9: Pinocchio Syndrome

Red curtains swished open on the tiny stage. Illuminated were a single tree and a dirt path that spilt two ways. Just as the audience was able to enjoy the scenery, the lights flickered off. The crowd gasped in unison wondering if there had been a technical issue.

Then a song started and a single light turned on. A boy popped onto the stage within the ray of light. He stood on one side of the tree. The group watching stared in awe and delight. The boy wore an odd assortment of clothing, and had upon his head two animal ears.

He sang a song, beginning his story. Then another light turned on. At the opposite end of the tree a young girl came along. She sang a line facing her back to the tree trunk. The song was fast paced but filled with longing as the two voices blended together in a perfect symphony.

Smiles spread through the crowd as they watched the actors on stage. Children and their parents sat glued to their seats, focusing hard on the two. A blonde girl couldn't tear her eyes away for even a second. Her grandmother chuckled at the interest the girl was showing to such a simple display.

The actress dropped a red apple near the tree, and ran off the edge of the stage. The boy at the other side lifted the apple sadly. Claws adorned his hands, making him look more animalistic. Lights dimmed the song changing slightly the girl returned to the tree tears splayed across her face.

Children in the audience laughed at the display others gasped, some lost interest. The blonde clutched a hand to her chest as if she could feel the actors' pain. Though the song was fast, the words she only understood some of had captured her tiny heart.

'So sad that they can't reach each other' she thought, drops of water trickling down her cheeks.

She watched as the boy, the different boy desperately tried to reach for the crying girl on the opposite side of the tree. He couldn't touch her, fearful that she would hate him. Rin shook with tears as the stage lights turned off and the audience of children burst into applause. Sweet Ann glanced down noticing the notable frown on her darling granddaughter's face.

"Oh Rin, It's just a play"

Rin couldn't calm herself feeling so terrible for the actors who couldn't touch. The four year old cried her heart out. Ann pulled her into a hug trying to sooth her with light caresses of her hair. The room began to clear, parents and children leaving for refreshments. The two remained in their seats as people bustled about the stage area cleaning up.

"Excuse me? Is she alright?" a voice asked.

Ann looked up from the child in her arms. "She's just a little emotional about the characters." She answered.

"Oh, well why doesn't she come back here and meet them? Maybe that will cheer her up?"

The woman smiled as Ann peered down at Rin, whispering to her. Rin blinked drying her eyes and nodded. Ann smiled softly and lifted the girl to her feet. The woman held out a hand offering to guide Rin. The three walked along the path of chairs up to the stage stairs, and through the dark curtains.

Workers bustled about packing up their supplies. The woman led the two further in, up to a chest in which a young woman was packing a pair of dolls. She looked up as they approached and smiled at Rin.

"Why Hello there, what brings you back here?"

Rin shyly hid behind Ann's skirt, clinging to it with one hand. The new woman looked up at the guide sharing a quiet conversation. Finally she looked back at Rin.

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