Resentful Incidents

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Answer to last chapter question: Alice Human Sacrifice

Kaito the blue haired boy, Meiko the brown haired girl, and Teto was the mysterious stranger. Hint was bread.

Enjoy! ~


Chapter 5: Resentful Incidents

Oliver put down his pencil, swiveling in his desk chair over to a drawer. He opened it and shuffled through the neatly filed papers. His fingers skimmed the titles, searching for the right one.

He flicked the long blonde fringe out of his eyes. His fingers stopped and he pulled out a piece of paper. His eyes flew across the paper, reading it rapidly. He frowned and looked at his desk tapping his chin. Oliver then glanced back at the papers on his desk.

'Ah! I get it now'

He lifted the pencil and quickly erased, then flipped the utensil and jotted down the correct answer. Satisfied he stacked the papers, returning the lone piece to the drawer. He put the neat stack inside his bag and closed the compartment with a light snap.

Oliver wheeled the chair around and made to stand. His eye caught sight of his organized dresser, of which held a few figurines. Letting his heels hit the ground, he stretched and walked towards the dresser. He smiled as he lifted the toy bird that had been placed above all the other trinkets.

He had decided on a name despite how childish it was to give a name a toy, even at his age. Oliver was expected to put away all childish things and be better than his peers. He attended a higher school and always was top of his class.

They could expect no less from the only son of the Kagamine household. Oliver disagreed with a lot of his families views, but he kept silent so as to not disappoint them. He knew all too well what his family was capable of. With the fact that they hid his little sisters existence he knew, nothing would stand in their way.

They would do anything to stay on top, drag anyone down.

'Anyone even family'

Oliver traced the birds beak, James he had named it. He wasn't sure if it was because he had a vast fascination for the creatures, or if it was his sister's kindness that surprised him. Regardless he had chosen to keep it. He hoped his mother wouldn't take it away.

He paused in his motion of stroking the bird's feathers. His head perked up he could faintly hear something below. Steps coming upstairs. He thanked Kami-Sama for giving him such good perception to sound and hid the bird in the back of the shelf.

When Miriam opened the door he was once again in his chair, a pair of glasses perched on his nose.

"Yes mother?"

Miriam looked around, "Have you finished your homework dear?"

"Yes of course, as well as fully inspected it to ensure its correctness"

She smiled, "Always the perfect son, you make me so proud"

Oliver's lips twitched a bit, as he stared blankly at his mother. He waited patiently for her reasoning in visiting his room.

"Dinner is ready!  Please join us at the table"

"Yes mother"

She turned to leave then stopped suddenly with a hand on the door.

"Oh yes, I found your old teddy bear"

'My what?'

He gave her a confused look. She didn't explain. Oliver, being soft spoken didn't question her, after a moment she left the room. Oliver could hear the slight creak in the steps indicating she had returned to the kitchen.

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