Abstract Nonsense

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Answer to last chapter questions: Miku, Luka, and Gakupo

Gumi was also an answer


Chapter 7: Abstract Nonsense (1)

The adults clapped and cheered as another girl joined the rest on stage. The girl brandished her award waving excitedly at her parents, who beamed back. She then turned and walked to the left side of the stage to sit with her classmates.

The girl's long, bright red hair swished out behind her as she walked her ahoge (2) bouncing with each step, to the group of chairs. She took her seat and looked up expectantly at the mass of people. The man at the front of the stage held another plaque out to the pink haired student body president.

She took it with a smile and read off the next name. The crowd erupted into cheers as the student began walking up to the stage. He took his award bowing and shaking hands with both headmaster and class president.

After he had sat down next to the red haired girl the man on center stage held up another award. His eyes scanned it briefly before handing it over to Luka.

She read the name out then looked up. Everyone was silent, not a sound made. No one had pushed back their chair to stand up. The headmaster lifted his head then glanced at Luka.

She repeated the name, as everyone listening started to look for the called person. The headmaster scrutinized the people and Luka repeated the name again louder. In a row near the back the green haired girl gave a light push to the blonde's shoulder.

"Come come Rin-Chan go up there!"

Gumi urged her friend to stand up. Rin looked at her with shocked eyes. She then glanced up at the front where Luka was speaking with the headmaster in a whisper. Rin gulped seeing how far it was to walk. She was just a little scared.

With a grin from Gumi, she finally stood. Her chair scratched against the tiled floor and she walked to the stage quietly keeping her head down. No one clapped as she approached the stage. Her small footsteps echoed loudly throughout the quiet auditorium gaining the audience's attention.

Rin stepped closer to Luka and the headmaster. The crowd was staring in silence. At first Luka didn't notice the blonde haired girl, after a moment she finally spotted her.

"Kagamine Rin?"

She jumped at the sudden mention of her name, though Luka had been calling it recently.


Luka's stern face broke into a smile as she held out the plaque.

"Kagamine Rin. You have won the TTB (3) Award For Tokyo's Top Beginner! This award is only given out for students who achieve above all others. The last time this was given was in the year of 1989. I am happy to present you with this award for your hard work and extreme talent you have surpassed all others in your generation. Congratulations"

Rin blinked at her taking in the words. A soft blush crossed her cheeks as she looked out into the multitude which had exploded into cheers. She walked in a daze shaking hands with the headmaster and Luka, staring at the plaque in awe.

Nearly everyone was clapping, Gumi cheering above the others. Rin stood confused looking out into the crowd. She lifted a hand to her neck shifting her hair to allow Len to see. She could have sworn he had smiled at her.

Suddenly feeling elated she smiled and bowed to her classmates, and people in the audience, as if it had been them who had gotten her the award. She finally turned away and walked to the seats behind her where the red haired girl was waiting with a smile.

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