PREV: Unrelenting Barricade

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First off, this is ONLY a preview of what has been written for this story. Yes, I realize it's been 2 almost 3 years. I sort of lost inspiration for this, then went through a stage of HATING my writing. I really aim to continue though.

Answer to last QOC: SuperHero by Nem

Chapter 14 (PREVIEW)
 Unrelenting Barricade

Men and Women dressed in dark uniforms lined the usually empty street. Blue lights flashed brightly, illuminating the darkened faces of the crowd. They all stood behind the yellow tape, demanding an explanation. Only one thing they knew.

Someone had died that night

The smell of blood was evident as a stretcher was wheeled across the pavement to the truck. Red lights of the ambulance flashed across the covered remains of a body. A pale hand lay limply over the side. It could just be seen under the white covering.

The crowd gasped as the stretcher was pushed along. Gossip spread among them. No one wanted to believe it. It had to be a prank, but the stretcher was proof.

"Another one and so soon after the last"

"Is that the whole family now?"

"I wonder if someone has a grudge against them"

Eager faces watched as the stretcher was then moved carefully into the back of the ambulance. Red light mixed with the blue as the curious the crowd continued to watch. They were trying to get a sign of who it was. They only knew that it was a wealthy family, THE wealthy family.

The parents had been killed just about a month or so ago, or so the people had heard on the news, or by town gossip. It was hushed up quickly, everyone knew though...

No one had found the murderer.

As the ambulance doors slammed shut, a shout was heard from the house. A few of the officers, and much of the crowd turned to the direction. Everyone watched with wide eyes as a second stretcher was wheeled through the front door. Quickly the crowd covered their faces to block out the revolting stench. Coughing and gagging, the front row of people pushed the crowd back.

The people backed away, but not too far. They still wanted to see and hear what was going on. The second stretcher like the first was wheeled down the side walk. Unlike the first the second's occupant was covered by a dark colored cloth.

However as the paramedics turned the stretcher, one of the wheels hit a stray rock and the entire stretcher was jostled. As the paramedics tried to stop the body from falling, the sheet slipped. It was now apparent as to why the cloth was so darkly colored. People gasped in horror as they saw the mangled corpse underneath.

It was torn apart. Every inch, a bloody mess. It was a horrifying sight that the crowd couldn't bear to look at. The once had been beautiful girl was now a reverse. Her outside now resembled the horrible inside she always had. No one wanted to look at such a girl. No one cared for such a person.

Quickly the paramedics got the sheet back over her and busied themselves with shoving the stretcher into the ambulance; they took much less care, making getting it out of sight a priority.

The officers began trying to clear off the people telling them to go back to their homes. The crowd responded by demanding more information but was quickly denied by the officers who shooed them away. The smell still remained, floating in the air like a haunting memory.

Afraid to resort to violence the officers shouted.

"Just watch the news! Go home"

Deciding it was the best thing to do, the crowd slowly began to lessen and lessen. Once the road was finally clear of people, and the ambulance had driven off. Only a few officers remained. The blue lights flickered, eerily over the large house.

Lastly a tall white haired person stepped over the threshold clasping a tiny bag shut one-handed as they spoke rapidly on a small phone with the other.

"Yes it's just like the other case. No finger prints, no evidence at all. Just two people brutally murdered. This is indeed a strange case."

The figures mouth twitched slightly, almost as if trying to form a smile as they walked past the officers. Pressing the phone closer to their ear, the figure grew further and further from the flashing lights. White hair nearly hid the phone from curious officer's sights.

"Don't doubt me, I will solve this case. As I have with any other." The person spoke with rushed tone.

"I know you can Detective" a muffled voice said from the other side of the line.

Smiling the white haired detective clicked the phone off and approached a small car, nearly hidden amongst the police vehicles. On the front seat sat a file, the detective leafed through it once with a blank expression before placing it back down, and putting the small bag on top of it. The officers watched as the detective drove out of sight, so fast it was as if the person had never been there.

A little down the road, the headlights passed quickly over a large window. The curtains were ever so slightly pulled back. Sonika looked into the dark of the night her hand clenched on the pale curtains.

Beside her Rin slept clinging to a yellow and patched bear. She had a calm expression. Sonika let the folds of the curtains fall back in place. She knelt and brushed the girl's hair from her forehead, caressing her cheek.

She wondered if her decision was right. Rin could not go home, she couldn't know.

It would be too much for her to handle.

It was to protect her.

Even though the police had told her to tell her...

She just couldn't, it wasn't wrong. Right?

Sonika didn't want to see that innocence disappear. Rin had already been through so much. She didn't deserve this.

No child deserved this.

Sonika did not want Rin to lose her smile However, she couldn't help but feel as if the decision was wrong. Deep inside her she felt a huge regret. But she brushed it aside as she draped a blanket over Rin's shoulders. Rin smiled in her sleep and wrapped her arms tighter around the bear.

Sonika smiled as well, but only lightly. She stepped back flicking off the light switch. Taking one last glance at Rin, Sonika but her lip in worry. With a single sigh she turned away to walk down the hall wondering how long she could keep this up, how long she'd have to lie to protect people. And










Could Rin really remain naïve forever?

Chapter 14 Preview End

Sorry for the shortness, I think I might have to redo the story in order to write more.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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