Reckless Abandon

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Ohai! ~ MoNoChRoMaDdiCt here everyone! ^^ this is my first fanfic so please don't be too hard on me. If you cannot tell already this is sorta based off of Tokyo Teddy Bear by Neru (not Neru Akita) if you haven't heard of it LISTEN TO IT! Len's version is the best. I'm doing my interpretation to the song when I first heard it not the exact meaning for the song.

This is RinxLen however it's more focused on the horror and mystery but still will have some cute "fluffy" moments between the two.

Not twincest!

RATED T for murder, mystery AND death

Disclaimer: I do not own Vocaloid or the song Tokyo Teddy Bear; however this fanfic is completely my own idea so I do own that

Enjoy! ~


Chapter 1: Reckless Abandon

"Daddy! ~"

A small child's voice called musically. She skipped out from the hall into a large room where a man a woman and two children stood. They were gathered around a table talking in excited voices.


The girl approached the group. They made no effort to turn nor even made a move to show they noticed her presence. She titled her head flopping the giant white bow that looked like bunny ears. She inched closer trying to make out the words the group was saying. It would be rude to interrupt them, so she decided to be patient and listen.

"Are we really going?" one of the children asked a girl with long blond hair a shade lighter than the youngest child's.

"Yes, we are! Four tickets enough for the whole family!" The mother replied her voice mirroring her eldest child's excitement.

At her words both children at the table began jumping in circles with cries of glee. The father smiled at the two and placed a hand over his wife's on the table.

"It will be a perfect day"

 "When are we going?" The woman spoke her smile just as soft as her husband's.

"Go where?"

 The small nearly inaudible voice came behind them. In a second the two's happy smiles faltered as the man turned to the noise. The little girl with the giant hair ribbon blinked in her childish innocence, curious as to what her family was talking about.

"What?" The man asked in a nasty tone, causing the two children to look over.

"You said, that the whole family is going somewhere" the girl piped up, "Where is it that we're going?" she asked.

She was excited too but also confused, could it be they remembered what today was, were they going to celebrate it. Her cerulean eyes sparkled with interest.

"You're not invited"

A voice interrupted her thoughts, shattering them like glass.

"Wha...wha?" She asked blinking a few times, maybe she had misheard him. Perhaps it was a joke.

"I said you are not coming with us, the tickets are for the family. You are not welcome."

Her father answered his voice growing darker; the two children began to walk around the table to join her father.

"Hear that?" the girl said

"She's too stupid to get it" the Father added.

"YOU'RE NOT INVITED!" the two chorused.

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