Trust in what we have

Start from the beginning

Mitch walks over with a cup of mochachino for me, he knows I need this to get through the day. I give him a smile in thanks and wrap my hands around he cup absorbing the warmth.

"So what did you get up to last night?" Noah asks as we walk towards the front entrance. Last night! I can feel my face heat up thinking about what Kayden and I did last night and I become even hotter when I realise I can't wait to do it again and more with my guys. I quickly look up and over to Kayden but when I make eye contact and see his ears are red I look to the ground smiling.

"Well?" Noah asks and I realise we're already at my locker.

"Nothing much, just food shopping and I made dinner for Max and Kayd. Then Kayden stayed over" I say nonchalantly opening my locker to swap books. I look to the side watching Noah watching Kayden who by all accounts is pretending to not listen. He doesn't ask anything else and I close my locker.

"Must of been a good night to have you blush that red sugarplum" Finn whispers huskily into my ear. I look over my shoulder to see him wiggling his eyebrows.

Deciding to play along I stare him in the eyes and rub my nose on his. "Wouldn't you like to know" I say in my best flirty voice and walk away to loop arms with Mitch. I look over my shoulder to see Finn staring at me with a smirk on his face and I just shake my head.

"Hey Mitch" I say leaning in to his shoulder breathing in his babypowder scent.

He kisses my head and laughs "are you teasing those boys?" He asks with humour in his voice.

"Maybe" I laugh. "Do you want to be teased" I ask flirting. I seem to be doing quite good at this!

His step falters when I ask him that but when I look to him he's smiling at me. "Only if it's by you Christmas" he quickly places a kiss on my head as I walk into my first class.

Finn <3: Thursday is mine after your work ;) xx

Me to Finn <3: a'll think about it......okay :) xx

I put my phone away and try to focus on my class thinking about spending time with Finn alone.

Going out with four of the popular guys is hard. I can see the way girls and some boys look at them. I've always had to deal with his being their friend but now I know that we are so much more I don't like the thought of other girls throwing themselves at them. Would they cheat on me? No they'd never do that to me. Why am I even thinking like that. I suppose it's hard not being able to tell people we are together that I run the risk of girls thinking they're still singles. Maybe I could go out with one of them? No. I wouldn't want the others to feel I had chosen one of the other.

Maybe I should stop thinking about this and start listening to this class. My ankle is throbbing but nothing like it was before but that's enough to give me another distraction for the time being.

Lunch has been fun today. Noah found out from Libby that she has slept with Theo so he's currently giving him the stink eye across the table from beside me and poor Theo is trying to act like it's not bothering him but I can see the nervous side looks he's giving Noah during his conversations.

"Leave him alone" I whisper to Noah putting my hand on his thigh and rub it to comfort him. "You knew they were going out and they seem happy just leave them. Plus you know Libby will rip you a new one if you upset Theo" I laugh patting his thigh.

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