Monday Morning

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Driving in to the school parking lot I could easily lock my doors and go for a nap. I hardly slept last night tossing and turning. I had come to terms with taking each day as it comes with the guys but then began to worry about the reactions of Poppy and Libby and worried they would make me feel bad.

Sitting in my car in my space with my head on the steering wheel I decide to bite the bullet and text the girls to ask if they want to go out for dinner after practice today.

Poppy👭: if your paying I'm in :) xx

That girl needs to get a job

Libbby 👯: sounds good count me in xx

Great! Now I just have to act normal and get through the day until I can talk to them about it all.

Checking my watch I realise in my haste to get away before any of the guys came for me I am half an hour early for school. Poppy was going with Max and Kayden so I didn't need to worry about stressing that I would slip up with her on the ride to school.

Deciding to close my eyes I lean back and pull my jacket around me .

A sharp tap on my window has me jerking awake. Looking towards my window I see Mitch with a worried expression. Wiping at my mouth to get rid of any drool I smile at him and roll it down.

"Hey" I say smiling

"Hey, decided to get some extra shut eye before school started I see" he says with a laugh.

"Yea I didn't sleep to great last night and got here early so decided I would use my time wisely" I chuckle.Holding up two fingers to tell him two seconds. I roll up the window and gather my stuff for school. Glancing at my phone I see I only have five minutes before first bell. So I actually did nap?

Opening my door for me I step out and Mitch immediately hugs me placing a kiss on my cheek. Blushing being caught off guard I smile at him "thanks"

"Here I brought you this. I thought you might need the extra boost today after the hangover and busy day yesterday" he says smirking handing me a coffee and chocolate chip muffin. "Open the lid" he says. Opening it I see there is coffee art of lips on it. Smiling I look at him again.

"Thanks. What's the lips for?" I say raising my eyebrow.

Taking my arm we start to walk towards the school. "I haven't been able to stop thinking about your lips on mine since last night and thought it would be nice to remind you too" he says blushing.

"You could show me in person" I whisper in to his ear what was that? I don't say stuff like that? But the thought of his lips on mine sends shivers down my body.

"Later" he winks blushing even redder and pulls me faster. Oh I like confident Mitchell!

Walking in to school I don't see any of the other guys but that doesn't last long.

My morning consisted of secret hand holding under the table with Noah, cute notes from Kayden during class and finger kisses with Finn when we got partnered in Chemistry. Those made me nearly combust the look in his eyes caused heat all over.

Although these were the good parts of my day I have also had some comments made about my dancing on Saturday night, suggestive looks from a few guys and catty comments from some girls but to be honest I haven't really cared but the guys are freaking out with the attention from other boys in school, I'm just slightly awkward since it's not something that happens much to me.

Now sitting at lunch I thought it would be wise to sit between Theo and Libby. They obviously didn't like that but I couldn't risk sitting beside any of the guys I was already fighting off a foot under the table and without looking down I have no idea who it belongs to, each of their faces looks amused but suddenly they all go serious.

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