Truth or Dare

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An hour and a half later with about ten shots or more down I was lying with my head on Mitch's chest while he stroked my hair and my feet on Kayden listening to Finn and Theo having a debate over who was the best singer out of the both of them.  Libby was lying on the floor talking with Noah about him rejoining the soccer team.

"Song!" Libby shouts and starts to pour the shots, spilling more on the table than in the glasses.

How can one film have so much singing? I knew it was about a girl's acapella group but serious how much singing can be in one film. I sit up and feel the room start to wobble, Kayden puts his hand on my shoulder to steady me.

"You ok?"

"Yea" I say putting my finger to his lips "but ssshhh don't tell anyone" I whisper in his ear "I'm definitely on my way to being drunk" I giggle. Kayden just takes my hand away from my mouth and holds it.

Leaning in he whispers in my ear "don't worry your secret is safe with me Hols" picking up our shot glasses and handing me mine we clink glasses and down them in one. Looking up I notice Noah watching me and Kayden with a smirk on his face. I smile back when he raises his shot to me and drinks it down not breaking eye contact with me.

"Right! New game" Theo shouts from across the room slamming his glass down on the side table. Walking over with Finn he say. "Truth or Dare!"

"I don't know man, my sisters here I don't know if I want to know certain things about her" Noah says making a scrunched up face looking at Libby.

"I don't have anything major to tell unlike you, if anything I should be the one who's worried" Libby hits back with her hands on her hips giving her brother her best death glare she could must.

"Right! Truth or Dare it is then! I've got to hear some of your skeletons Noah" Finn says.

We all got into a circle and Theo set his phone up with a new app on his phone that chooses the dares and the questions as Noah said that Finn wasn't allowed to be in charge of creating them. Mitch came back through with a bottle and set it down to see who was going first and turns on the iPod in the corner.

"You only get one pass and if you refuse a question or dare you need to do a forfeit, everyone ok with that?" Theo asks and we all agree. "Right, let's go!" With this he spins the bottle and it lands on Mitch. "Truth or Dare"

"Truth" and presses the button. "Who is your best friend? This group right here, you guys are my best friends!"

"Awww" Libby and I say together. "That was was crap! If they don't get better we're doing our own" Finn complains "right who's next" Mitch spins the bottle and it lands on Theo. "Truth or Dare Theo" Mitch asks.

"Dare" pressing the button he reads out "swap shirts with the person on your right untill your next turn".

Everyone burst out laughing when we realised it was Libby who was on his right and she was wearing a pink crop top, even Libby found this funny.

"Come on then, let's see if you can rock pink Theo" Libby says while stripping off her top.

"Hey hey hey, you don't need to do it here in front of everyone Libby!" Theo shouts looking around everyone with a panicked expression.

"Calm down, I've been friends with these guys since we were tiny, they've seen me undressed before it's no big deal" she says handing Theo her top.

"I know right! That 's what I said to Kayden!" I blurt out without thinking until all eyes seem to be on me. Shit! Everyone seems to be looking between me and Kayden but not asking anything else about it. I look at Libby who mouths "what?" But I just slightly shake my head, Finn looks like he's about to ask something so I interrupt "Right hurry up Theo, you've left Libby hanging without a top" I say trying to change the subject. Kayden's face is bright red and he won't meet my eye when I look at him next to me. "Right Theo your turn spin the bottle"

Ignorance was Bliss (Random Updates)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon