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Game Day!

I have been lying awake in bed for over an hour. It's alway like this when I have a game, it doesn't matter that it's just a friendly it's still an opportunity to prove ourselves and improve. We want to go far this year so having one of the toughest teams today will be a challenge.

Sighing I finally push myself out of bed and make my way to the shower. Washing my hair I try to focus on the up coming game but the guys broken expressions yesterday keep playing on my mind.

I had decided to sit with them at lunch thinking that I could ease myself into being around them again but they didn't say one thing to me. I was lucky if they even gave me eye contact so when Milo texted asking if I wanted to join him I took the chance.

"Where you going?" Libby asked when I stood up from the table. I could feel all of their eyes on me.

"I'm going to meet Milo" I say. hearing a can being crushed I looked to the side to see Kayden with his empty can of soda crushed in his hand staring at me with a frustrated look on his face. Finn had pushed his lunch away which is not like him as he eats everything in sight and was staring at me with a pleading look. Mitch seemed to be holding onto the edge of the table tightly looking at me with a sad expression. Just as I was about to ask them what was wrong, Noah scraped his chair back muttering and stalked out of the cafeteria.

Looking back to Poppy and Theo raising an eyebrow questioning what that was all about but she just shook her head. Gathering my things I walked out heading to my spot.

"Holly? Are you nearly finished I'm making breakfast" my mum calls through my bathroom door.

"Yea just coming now" I shout back.

Once I had got ready into my kit I put my hair into a tight bun at the nape of my neck to keep it out of my way. Glancing in the full length mirror I stared at myself. The new kit was lovely. A navy and white fitted sleeveless top with Skyview Academy shield on the chest, navy pleated skirt with navy shorts underneath and knee high navy socks with two white stripes at the top them. I shoved on my white converse and grabbed my boots, kit bag and stick heading out my bedroom towards the smell of toast.

When I got downstairs my mum and Poppy were sitting at the breakfast table waiting for me.

"About time!" Poppy huffed "I'm starving and Mum said we had to wait for you" she says grabbing a piece of toast.

"Sorry. You know how I like to think in the shower" I say laughing.

"It's fine pet, just sit yourself down I've made scrambled eggs and toast is that ok?" Mum asks .

"Sure is" I say although I don't know if my stomach will let me eat with the nerves.

"I've managed to get time off to come and watch you today." Mum says smiling taking a sip of her tea.

She never has time off?

"That great Mum" I say genuinely happy she's coming.

" I have to go in afterwards but I can come this morning, it's been so long since I've been and want to see you play" mum says coming round to kiss me on the cheek. " I'll go get ready then Poppy and I will leave and meet you there" mum says heading off to her room.

I finish my breakfast and hug Poppy before heading out the door and drive to school.

The locker room is buzzing with excitement and anticipation.

"You need to say something before we head out" Libby whispers and I give her a 'what' look pointing towards myself "you know to motivate them and get them pumped for the match" she says flexing her arms as if showing me what pumped means. Staring at her I shake my head and let out a sigh and head further into the room.

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