Leap of faith

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For a Monday it hasn't been too bad, school went by fast and hockey practice went by without any major incidents. Lydia and Zoe were their usual snotty selves to the new girls and as usual they ignored them while I talked them through our different tactics and plays. Libby, Grace and I set up drills then we played a short game.

We seem to have a solid team this year with a diverse range of skills and qualities. Some need to improve their fitness but all in all I think we could do really well. We have a pre season game against Springvale in two weeks time which will allow us to see our  weaknesses so we can improve on them.

"Hey!" Libby shouts jogging to catch up with me as I head out to the car park "Spill it!" She says with an impatient sigh.

"What?" I ask confused.

" do you think I haven't noticed that you have been distancing yourself from the boys? The only person you spoke to the whole of lunch was Kayden and even then it felt strained. You won't make eye contact with Finn, your using your fake smile with Mitch and I don't think you even glanced once at Noah so spill!"

I thought I had done well today. I didn't purposely try to make it awkward I just felt that I needed space without being alone. Kayden was the easiest to talk to as he's the most reserved out of the group and even that felt hard so I just played it safe and kept to myself but I've obviously not done a good job if Libby noticed which means the boys would have as well. I want to tell her about Noah and Mitch but I don't want to break their trust by sharing what they said.

Who am I kidding! It's Libby's brother, twin brother we're talking about here, I can't talk about him with her and she's known Mitch before even I did .

"There's nothing to spill. I've just got a lot on my mind just now and I'm tired from work last night" I say with a smile.

"Mhmm, I don't believe you. There's something going on you're all acting really weird."

"A'll watch the guys tomorrow and tell you if I notice anything okay? Now if there's anything to spill it's you. Come on now don't keep me waiting what happened with you and Theo? I know you must of spoke to him, I seen all the little glances at each other and the accidental touches you guys had today" I say bumping her shoulder wiggling my eyebrows.

"Hey stop that! You know I'm jealous I can't do that with my eyebrows" she says while trying to get them both to move which sends us into a fit of giggles.

Pulling ourselves together she goes on to tell me about them talking on the phone for over an hour discussing our conversation and him making sure she was happy for them to go on a date which she obviously is. "So we're going out Saturday, he said it's a surprise and I can't wait!" She rushes out with a small squeak.

" I'm so excited for you! You need to text and tell me as soon as you know where he's taking you" I say

"I will! I've gotta go, my grandparents are coming round tonight so I need to get home, showered and changed before they get there. A'll see you tomorrow. Maybe you can let me in on the secret then" she says winking at me waving her hand over her shoulder walking to her car.

Looking over at my car I see Kayden leaning against my it, when he looks up and sees me he sends me a small wave that I return. He's looking really good today with his grey slouch beanie hat, white and grey long sleeved top stretched over his large biceps and skinny black jeans on with some white high tops.

" I thought you left with Finn to get a lift home?" I ask.

"I was going to but Max told me Poppy said to tell you that your Mum is out tonight with Sam so she's staying for dinner and my mum said to ask if you want to come too? I thought we could do our homework and after dinner have a movie night?" He asks with a hopeful expression.

"Sure sounds good, saves me cooking and I've not seen your mom and dad for ages. You didn't have to stay though you could of texted and I would of came over after practice."

"You are terrible with your phone so by the time you seen it you would of already had dinner or something. Plus I wanted to stay and watch. You guys seem to have quite a strong team. A little week in defence  on your left side though"

" I know I've got a good feeling about this year. Thanks for the tip. We're hoping to tighten up in the next two weeks before our pre season game and then learn from that" Unlocking the door I motion for him to get in. Once we are both in I head off for his house.

"That sounds a solid plan. Coach wants us to get a pre season friendly in place. Try outs are next week and we've finally managed to talk Noah in to coming back so we should be in a good position going in." He says with a genuine smile on his face.

"That's great! You four will make the team amazing" I say squeezing his arm. The rest of the drive went fast and although we didn't say anything else it felt normal which made me feel much better.

Kayden, Poppy, Max and I all worked on our homework in the living room while Claire and Colin made dinner. Dinner was delicious as always, Claire is a great cook and always makes enough to feed an army, it must be from feeding the boys all the time. Poppy and I cleared the table and started sorting the dishes.

"Max asked me out" Poppy whispers to me.

" Amazing!! What did you say?" I screech but she tells me to quieten down.

"I said I'd let him know." She says with a sad expression

"What?? You guys have been mad about each other since you were young why not say yes?"

"That's the point! I'm scared. What if it ruins everything by changing the dynamics of our friendship?" She huffs out throwing her hands up as if in defeat.

I know exactly how she feels. I'm there myself with Noah and Mitch and I'm scared too, but what if it's the best decision she ever makes. He could be her boyfriend and her best friend and get the best of both worlds. I know he adores her you can see it in the way he looks at her and he is always fussing over her and making sure she's okay. If she doesn't try she'll never find out what could be. "You guys are already doing it P, you just haven't put a label on it but with that label you could have everything you want with Max. He adores you and I know that you feel the same for him you just need to take that leap of faith." I say giving her a small smile.

She stares at me for a moment. " I think you're right H, I just need to take that leap" with that she gives me a cuddle "when did you get so knowledgeable?" She says with a laugh

"I was born with it" I bow making us both laugh.

"We'll see that advice you give I think you should start listening to it and take a leap too Holly. I might not know everything but I see and hear things and from what I do know you have four guys who adore you also" squeezing my shoulders she continues to load the dishwasher. "I've got this you go get Kayden, a'll come get you when I'm heading home". With that I turn around heading for the stairs, passing Max on my way I give him two thumbs up, he smiles back with a blush obviously understanding my meaning.

I walk in to Kayden's room and he's searching for a movie,

"Comedy or action?" He asks while looking through his collection, his back was to me and I could see the definition of his muscular back through his top.

"Go for comedy, I need a good laugh" I say smiling, "can I have a quick shower?" making a disgusted face smelling my hair.

"Sure" he says laughing "you know where everything is, a'll go make some popcorn and get the drinks and be ready for when you get out"

"Great, you're the best!" I say getting a little too excited about some snacks, bouncing over I give him a hug and kiss his cheek "that's why I love you! You always remember to feed me" I say giggling walking towards the bathroom. I turn to smile at Kayden on my way out and see he's standing holding his cheek where I just kissed him. Did I hurt him? Turning back around I head out of the room towards my shower.

Hey guys!

Thank you so much for continuing to read my story! Drop me a comment and let me know what you think so far?


Ignorance was Bliss (Random Updates)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora