Purple gummy worm

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Thursday came around quick. School has been going well, Libby and I have been spending as much time as possible together trying to catch up on everything that we have missed out on.

She surprisingly didn't make many friend when she moved to Texas, she said she didn't "click" with anyone the way she had with our group so usually hung around with Noah. She went on a few dates but didn't have any serious boyfriends and stayed away from most parties after she puked over the hottest guy she had ever seen, her words not mine. This hot guys name was Ayden and he was her crush and the guy she dated for the longest before coming home, she thought he was going to ask her to be his girlfriend before she left so when I hear her talk about him I can't help but feel she misses him more than she lets on.

Unfortunately my side of the conversation was boring, no guys, no crushes, no drama or any drama that I could talk about with anyone. All I had was the boys, Poppy and hockey but that was fine by me because now I had Libby and Noah back and I'm feeling more complete.

Noah and I are moving on from smiles to actual short conversations during Biology and lunch, we are not back to where we were before he left but I no longer want to run away when he make eye contact with me which I would say is definitely progress.

Theo's flirting has calmed down since Tuesday when I hit him over the back of the head with my bag when he thought it would be a good idea to get down on one knee and kiss my hand to try and persuade me show him around the school. The shock on his face had me bent over laughing until tears streamed down my face, Theo on the other hand didn't find the funny side of it at all but he has toned it down a notch. The rest of the boys seem to be back to normal after Monday. Nobody said anything was wrong so I'm putting their strange behaviour down to being tired.

Standing behind the counter of "Chipped Cup" I wipe the fridges down and replace the stock and sort the coffee beans out for the morning. I have been working here since the coffee shop opened two years ago. My boss Miranda is great and understands that I have to work around school, she knows I need the money for College so she will give me extra shifts during the holidays and sometimes at the weekend I will work double shifts. She also understands if I have to swap shifts at times or if I need to stay home which helps. Miranda is a happy person and fun to be around, she can make anyone smile and light up the room with her colourful clothes and blinding smile.

The "Chipped Cup" was decorated with lots of colours and mix matched chairs and tables that surprisingly all went well together, it has a book shelf at the back that customers are welcome to browse and read while they have a coffee and local artists are encouraged to hang their art on the wall. Miranda is also a firm believer that a cup of coffee should brighten the customers day and bring a smile to their face, so all workers are continuously trained in different coffee art and encouraged to try new styles out and show them to her.

This is one of my favourite places to come and relax when I can and I feel very lucky to love my job, did I mention Miranda bakes? All of the cakes in store are homemade and keeps the customers coming back for more and my stomach full.

Once I finished setting everything up for the morning I decided to try out a new coffee art since there was no one in just now, it was close to closing time but I like to be busy. I'd watched on YouTube someone making a coffee design of a monkey with the milk and chocolate syrup and thought it would be a fun design to use. I decided on a mocha since I was adding the syrup and set about grinding the beans and heating the milk. Singing along to James Bay- Best Fake Smile, I dance around the machine while the coffee pores, adding the milk I try to get the face shape of the monkey, once happy with that I gave it two small eyes and a big mouth "and you don't have to care so don't pretend, nobody needs a best fake friend, oh oh oh don't hide it!" I sing and dance, wiggling my bum and throwing my hands in the air, suddenly I hear clapping behind me and spin round nearly giving myself a neck injury to see Finn leaning over the counter trying to reach the lollipops that are given out with he bills.

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