What harm could it do?

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Kayden was quiet the whole walk, to the point where for the first time ever I felt awkward around him.

Turning around I hip bumped him" you ok?"

"Yea, was just thinking"

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Nah, am good we're here now"he said with a shrug.

Looking around I realised that Theo lived in the same neighbourhood as Noah and Libby. They had kept the house here when they moved incase they decided to come back and had housekeepers look after it and the grounds in their absence.

Theo's house was stunning. We walked up the path that was sat amongst the well manicure lawn, windows seemed to be everywhere giving a bright and airy feel with trees and bushes enclosing around the house. It had a lovely welcoming feeling to it.

Just as I was about to ring the bell the door was opened by Libby,

"Where have you guys been? What wrong with your face Kayden you look like you ran here? Did you guys run here?" She asks raising her eyebrows and looking between the both of us,

"I-I'm just tired and hot, nothing's wrong" he said brushing past her and entering the house.

"O..k! Whatever, we've been waiting ages for you guys we just went ahead and ordered the pizza hope you like barbecue chicken still?" She asks me when I step in the house and she shuts the door.

"Yea, I love it" I say kicking my shoes off at the front door.

If I thought Theo's house was stunning from the outside, the inside was amazing! The ceilings were high with huge chandeliers hanging from the roof. The windows gave the entryway so much light and I noticed at the end of the hall there was a stain glass window projecting different colours over the walls. Everything was white, clean cut and modern and looked like it hadn't been touched since they moved here. Paintings were hung on the walls and a lot of abstract art was dotted around the place.

"It's gorgeous isn't it" she says grabbing my arm and leading me further down the hall.

"Yea it's beautiful, did you see how pretty the stain glass was? You guys have got amazing houses"

"It so nice to be back in my house, I missed all our pictures and paintings in my room and the games room, I didn't have much space at the other house"

As we walked further into the house I could hear the guys talking and laughing. Finn sounded like he was about to choke he was laughing so hard.

"Don't make me perform CPR on your ass" I say walking into the kitchen.

"You can do that anytime you want sugaplum" Finn winks, walking over to me giving me a hug.

"Hey! Your finally here, pizza should be here any minute, you want a drink?" Theo asked gesturing his head towards the rest of the guys.

Looking around I noticed everyone was drinking out of red solo cups, even Kayden had made himself one and was sitting at the kitchen island drinking. I don't like drinking, I don't like what it turns people into or the feeling of being out of control. I also don't like how people can say and do things and use the excuse of alcohol for their behaviours, but I'm surrounded by my best friends and I don't need to drink a lot I could just have one or two? What harm could it do?

"Sure, a'll have vodka and lemonade if you've got it?"

"Sure, give me a minute and a'll get you it" Theo said, walking over to the bar set at the corner of the kitchen.

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