Thursday Night

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The week passed me by in a blur. I spent my lunch in the library doing homework or reading, after school Libby and I would do some extra practice drills and some of the new girls joined us and at night I spent time with my Mum. She seems to be doing really well, Sam has been good for her and she is talking about a promotion at work which would be amazing for her confidence as well and I have avoided the guys at all costs. It has been getting harder every day to not run over to them, hug them and not let go but they hurt me.

Standing slouched at the counter at work the bell chimed and I looked up to see Libby, Poppy and Theo walk in.

"Hey guys" I say smiling. They walk over towards me looking slightly awkward.

"What's wrong? Has something happened?" Seeing Poopy with Libby wasn't unusual but at my work with Theo?

"Don't worry everything is fine" Poppy said obviously trying to get me to understand they weren't here about Mum.

"Well why do you all look like something is wrong?" I say standing up straight looking at them.

"I'm just here as support" Theo states raising his hands in defence.

"O...k? So why are you guys here?" I say looking between Poppy and Libby

"This has gone on too long" Libby states "Poppy and I, in fact even Theo, are sick of getting messages from the guys asking how you are, what your doing, where you are etcetera, so we thought we would come and talk to you about what is going on and how we fix it. You have all been best friends forever and it's pulling our group apart I can't see them all so sad and deflated anymore" she states staring me straight in the eyes. Her bright blue eyes seem to sparkle and hold my stare with a look of determination "now spill!" She demands

I don't think I can. How is her knowing going to help? It wouldn't she would flip her shit and it involves her brother there is no way I can talk about it.

I look at Poppy pleading with my eyes to help me out of this situation. She looks back with a sympathetic smile. " I can't Libby" I whisper. "I wish I could but to me this is really big and I need time to deal with it and space is the only way" I say, space really isn't helping but I don't tell her that.

"You all need to talk and sort this out some how. It can't go on, I can't stand to see you so down and the guys expressions are heartbreaking. I know it must be somethings big to go on this long but I want to help" she pleads.

"How about a deadline then" Poppy adds " why don't we put a time limit on how long you have untill you speak to the guys before Libby pushes you further to find out?" She says looking at me with a hopeful expression.

"How long" I ask

"Sunday" Libby states with her hands on her hips begging me to argue

That's three days away, I have the game on Saturday and party Saturday Night. Hopefully I can work myself up to talk to them by then. Couldn't I? I look at her and nod.

"Is that a yes?" She questions

"Yes, but once this is over I don't need to tell you what happened. Understood?" I tell her pointing at her.

She's silent for a moment and looks to Theo who nods at her and looks at me with a smile. "Fine! But if you haven't spoken to them by Sunday then you need to tell me what's going on. Agreed?"

Ignorance was Bliss (Random Updates)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя