Epilogue- The Three Weeks

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Felicia's POV

Three weeks. Three weeks with Meaghan. Three weeks with Alex, Camilla, and Rosie. Three weeks without Him. Three weeks of freedom. Three weeks of happiness, of joy, of laughter and good food. Three weeks, 15 kg (33 pounds) I had gained. I was still skinny of course, but... Almost normal.

But also three weeks of pain. The horrible pains in my stomach just wouldn't go away. At least once or twice an hour, it would strike, cutting me open like searing-hot knife. We had tried every pain killer on the market, but nothing helped. Meaghan hated seeing me in pain, but there was nothing she could do. There was nothing anyone could do.

With a bit of prodding, Meaghan and I were out as girlfriends... Oh I loved that word. Girlfriends... The gang were nothing but happy for us of course, and gladly listened to Meaghan's awesome tales of our amazing make-out sessions. She never failed to make me blush.

Alex and Rosie started dating too, and Camilla was now free to whine about her singleness as much as she wanted. And despite my frequent stomach pains, I was happy. My life was more idyllic than it had ever been, better than I had thought it would ever become.

Every time I looked at Meaghan, a pulse of sweet, sweet pleasure coursed through my body. Every time we kissed, fireworks sparked alight in my mind. Every time she touched me, electricity ran through my veins. She was my everything. I was hers. I had fallen hard, and so had she. I just knew it.

I brushed a lock of hair out of my eyes and looked over at Meaghan, who was standing by the window, staring at the dark silhouette of New York against the dark blue sky, lit by pinpoints of white light; stars. I heard the door lock, announcing the departure of Alex and Rosie, who were leaving to go on a date. They were supposedly going to a small restaurant by the bridge, but we all knew it had closed more than an hour ago. In all honesty, they probably just wanted to go make out on a bench by the water. Hopeless romantics, the both of them.

Camilla was in the shower, as evidenced by the water running, but it was minimal; she probably didn't actually need to shower, and really just wanted to give us some space. We were nothing but grateful for that of course.

"Meaghan," I said, moving towards her.

I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind her and she smiled. I could see her eyes twinkle in the reflection of the glass.

As expected, she spun around quickly and connected her lips to mine. Her hands grabbed ahold of my chin, and I wove my fingers into her dark locks. She wrapped her arms around me, her warm grip comforting and soft, and I melted into her. It was as if I didn't exist anymore; we were one, one warmth, one energy, one heart. And I loved every moment of it. She made me feel cherished, like I was the most amazing and beautiful girl in the world. She made me feel loved. That was all I'd ever wanted.

We deepened the kiss and she smiled against my lips, before splitting a second later.

I pouted. "Meaghan..."

She laughed, a clear sound like the ringing of bells. "I'm hungry. Come on, you know how to cook."

Meaghan was a terrible cook, and with chef Alex off on his date, I was the only one left with any sort of cooking capabilities. I had tried to teach her once, but it ended in her nearly burning the whole house down. Luckily for us, we were able to put the fire out before any serious harm came to anyone or anything. The upsides of living with supernatural creatures, I supposed.

She pushed me off of her lightly, and I immediately missed her warmth, shivering slightly. Looking over her shoulder at me, she grabbed ahold of my hand and pulled me with her to the kitchen. I shivered again, and she draped her warm fleece over me. I smiled gratefully at her, before taking out our favourite bread and some ham, butter, cucumber, tomato, and lettuce.

"This you can do yourself," I said with a small smirk.

"Yes, yes," Meaghan sighed playfully.

I cut her a slice off of the loaf and then cut myself one too, before handing her her slice and starting to butter mine. I quickly cut up some tomato, cucumber, and lettuce for my sandwich, and put them all on symmetrically.

"There," I said with satisfaction.

Looking over at Meaghan, I saw she was building up a mountain of ham on top of her thick layer of butter, and I chuckled.

"What?" she asked playfully, layering another slice of ham ontop.

She took a bite of the sandwich and swallowed, rubbing her stomach contentedly. Then she swallowed the whole rest of it in one bite and I had to cover my mouth to conceal my laughter.

"Meaghan!" I scolded, giving her a light push on her chest. "Don't do that!"

"What? I was hungry!" she exclaimed. "It's not my fault, it's the stupid ravenous werewolf appetite, see?"

I shook my head at her antics and she stuck her tongue out at me, which I gladly answered with a weird face of my own. She laughed and pulled me closer, crashing her lips against mine again. She tasted like ham and butter; she tasted perfect. We melded and deepened the kiss, but she soon moved away from my mouth and down to my neck. Sucking on it teasingly, she made sure to suck just enough so that I wouldn't get a hickey. If I ever got a hickey, I'd die of embarassment.

"I love you, you know that, don't you?" I breathed.

"Of course. I love you too. You're my everything."

We smiled at each other and put our foreheads together, a warm feeling spreading through my body.

Then all hell broke loose.

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