Chapter 5- The Punishment

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Braith's POV

"What was on your mind during today's meeting Braith? You are my eldest son, soon to be king. You must be present during the meetings, in both mind and body. You do not usually act like this."

I kept my sigh of frustration inside. "I apologise Father, I was simply hungry."

That was true, I was in fact very hungry. I really should've done something about that earlier.

"Well go feed, and do it now, then! I can't have a hungry prince trying to rule, now can I?"

I nodded, and excused myself from the office.

I made my way down to where my favourite blood whore was waiting. She was always ready.

"Rosalie," I greeted.

She was my favourite for a reason. She had long, natural blonde hair, and large grey eyes, with tones of blue. She was tall and slim, but I still towered over her, and she didn't look starved.

"Master..." she whispered seductively.

I licked my lips. I really needed this.

Felicia's POV

I knocked on the door to his room. No one answered, so I let myself in quietly. It seemed to be empty, so I started by walking into the bathroom, where I began wiping the bathtub. It was ridiculous how dirty a bathtub could be.

Wiping a bead of sweat off my forehead, I moved on to the sink. Before spraying it, however, I took a deep breath, inhaling the wonderful scent in the room. Sun and coal was what I detected. Master's smell.

Then I sprayed the sink, and the scent was lost, replaced by a zingy lemon, with a hint of flowers.

I began wiping around the sink, when I heard the door to the room open.

My eyes widened, and my breathing started coming faster. I could feel my heart beating in my chest; I had barely started the room, let alone finished it. What would he do to me?!?

The door to the bathroom started opening, and tears stung in my eyes, though I forced them away.

"Hm. Barely started, have you?" he said with disdain.

I turned around to face him, but as soon as I met his glare, I cowered back.

"I- I'm terribly sorry Master. I only just got here, I had to-"

"I don't care what you had to do. Just, finish up the room, and try to disturb me as little as possible. I'll decide what to do with you later."

I gulped nervously, but obeyed, turning back and continuing to clean the sink. I soon moved on to the toilet, and before I knew it, I'd finished the whole bathroom.

I crept into his room as silently as I could, trying my best not to disturb Master, who was reclining on his bed, reading a book. With a snigger, I realised he was reading one of the Twilight books. Kind of ironic, and extremely hilarious.

He looked down at me with rage. "What exactly do you find so funny?"

I swallowed. "I- uh, nothing, it was just- uh-"

He cut me off. "Not only did you not finish your chores on time, but you also disrespected me. And this is only your first day. You need to be taught a lesson."

My eyes widened, and I gulped nervously.

"Come with me," he said.

I followed him downstairs obediently, though inside I was freaking out and scolding myself for my actions.

Suddenly, I looked up and noticed that the windows were all gone. I knew I wasn't supposed to be there, but I wasn't about to question Master, especially not right then.

A large iron door appeared in front of me, and Master opened it. It was too dark to see anything properly; I could only smell the overwhelming tangy scent of blood.

I entered the room just behind Master. He snapped his fingers and a few torches lit up the room, casting a faint glowing light over it.

I almost puked there and then. There was blood everywhere; more blood than I had ever seen before. Some was old, some was more recent, but no matter where you looked, it was there. There were horrible weapons lining the walks, and contraptions I could not comprehend. But I understood what it was. The punishment room.

Master led me to a corner, where two chains hung down from the ceiling. I didn't resist when he put one of my hands into each handcuff attached to it's chain.

The metal was cold and harsh, and as he raised the chains so as to keep my arms above my head, they began cutting into my skin. I was certain they would leave marks, much like the ones you get from cutting your wrists.

I watched him walk away silently into the darkness, where he picked something up. As he came back into the light, I saw he had chosen a vicious-looking whip. I knew what was going to happen next.

He pulled my corset down, until my entire back was exposed. He showed no mercy, nor remorse, as he hit my back with the whip.

The pain was excruciating, like nothing I had ever felt before, and I screamed.

He hit me again, harder that time. I screamed louder.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Again and again, until time itself lost all meaning, and the only thing that existed in me was pain. I wasn't even a person anymore. Just a hollow, pathetic shell of a body, filled to the brim with pain, with no life, and no emotion.

The shell was filling up with more and more pain, until it boiled over. Until there wasn't even a shell left. Only darkness.

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