Chapter 28- The Breakfast

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Felicia's POV

The next morning, I awoke with a pounding headache. I could tell I had gotten a lot more than just tipsy the previous night. I rubbed my head slowly, feeling a soft mattress under me. Where was I?

As my eyes opened slowly and I began to sit up, an unfamiliar pain jolted through me. It coarsed through my heart and into my stomach, making me double over. I let out a quiet gasp and cringed in pain. Deciding that it was probably a side effect of my hangover, I tried not to think about it.

Assessing my surroundings was easy. The room I was in was clearly a living room; there was a small tv and a cute carpet. A coffee table had been moved away to make space for the fold-out sofa I had been sleeping on. The walls were cream-coloured and had a few paintings on them. On one wall was a large window that displayed a magnificent New York skyline, if not from the best view. From the sun's position I guessed it was about 10:00 in the morning.

Since I was still in my clothes I went straight to the only door in the room and moved on to the next room. It turned out to be the kitchen, with a table with four chairs, a small cooking area, and a window right above the main counter. The sun shone perfectly through the window, casting a beautiful golden glow into the cozy room. At the table, Rosie and Camilla were sat, Rosie daintily finishing off her porridge, whilst Camilla was taking turns biting a sandwich and eating a piece of one of her pancakes. A huge plate of beautifully stacked golden pancakes stood in the middle of the table. Beside it was a plate of croissants and various spreads, as well as a plate stacked with fruits and vegetables. I licked my lips at the thought of biting into a soft peach and tasting the sweet juices. I hadn't had fruit for weeks and weeks.

Alex stood by the stove, wearing a white apron and a cute chef's hat. He was flipping pancakes talentedly. He flipped one and turned around quickly; the pancake flew through the air and landed perfectly back in the frying pan. He dipped down elegantly and placed the pancake on top of the stack that was already there. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Good morning Felicia!"

Camilla and Rosie turned to face me, Camilla's cheeks stuffed with food, and they both smiled at me too. Or, in Camilla's case, tried to smile. Smiling is very difficult when your cheeks are stuffed with sandwich and pancake.

I groaned and rubbed my head. "How are you all so... Chipper? I've got a killer headache from last night."

They all laughed. "Not the alchohol type, are you?"

"No..." I muttered.

I really should've known better. I'd only gotten drunk once before, and it was a total disaster. I couldn't hold my alcohol for the life of me. The first time I was drunk was when I was at some guy in my class's pool party. Big mistake. I got super drunk and ended up having to throw up in some bushes. I left the party early and just took the bus home. My father had been incredibly angry when he found out. I bit my lip and tried not to think about it. I had a habit of shaking in fear whenever I thought of my father. My father and... And Master. Well, former master. Braith? That was his name, but it felt wrong. I supposed 'Him' would be his name for now.

"We don't have to worry about hangovers. They're kind of a human thing," Alex said.

I groaned. "Lucky..."

Alex mussed up my hair playfully, and I laughed despite my massive headache.

"Hey, where's Meaghan?" I asked.

"Still asleep, I guess. She's not really a morning person," Alex said.


Camilla shrugged and answered, "Go see for yourself. She took the bathub."

I snorted with laughter, but stopped and doubled over when I felt the jarring pain go through me yet again. Alex looked at me with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine, it's nothing. Just don't worry."

He still looked concerned, so I continued. "Seriously! I'm just a bit hungry."

I grabbed a croissant and bit into it, rubbing my stomach and smiling to prove my point. And then it struck me. I made sure not to let it show on my face, but... I had just eaten something. And it tasted amazing. And I loved it. And I didn't feel sick or anything; I felt completely relaxed and great, and suddenly my stomach was rumbling for more, more food, more nutrition. More of everything my stomach had been denied for the past few weeks. More.

"Fine, fine!" Alex laughed. "Go find Meaghan and have fun!"

I finished the croissant and a bagel, before turning away, my face stuffed. I shook my thoughts away, deciding firmly to stay in the here and now, and walked to the bathroom, where I found Meaghan still asleep in the bathtub. I chuckled and stooped down over her. I wanted to kiss her so badly. Suddenly, her hands wrapped around my head and she began to kiss me, deepening the kiss with every second. I smiled and chuckled, whispering into her ear.

"You were awake the whole time, weren't you?"

"Maybe... You were thinking about kissing me, weren't you?"

"What would you do if I was?"

She pulled me into the tub with her and spun around so she was on top of me.

"I suppose I would start by kissing you here..."

She traced her fingers onto my lips and kissed me.

"And then here..."

She moved her fingers down to my neck and kissed me there.

"And then here."

She moved her fingers to my shoulders and kissed me there, before looking up with a devilish grin. "But you weren't of course."

I laughed, out of breath. "Hmm... Let me think about it..."

I pulled her into me and we kissed again. And I drowned the whole world out, until all that was left was Meaghan and I. I couldn't have been happier.

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