Chapter 24- The Saviour

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Author's note:

This is Meaghan, portrayed by Amanda Hendrick.

Braith's POV

A loud telepathic message from Edmure came to me, blocking all other thoughts. 'WEREWOLVES ATTACKING! WEREWOLVES ATTACKING!'

I sighed exasperatedly, but I was also experiencing a rather interesting feeling. It was a combination of curiosity and worry. The feeling was new and rather disturbing, and I knew exactly where it stemmed from.

Several years ago, werewolf attacks had been rather rare; they were weaker than us, and they knew it. Yes, there were of course occasional raids, but keeping them at bay had never been a problem. But with time the attacks had become more and more common, and much more severe. More werewolves were joining in, and they were becoming more and more powerful. And the worst part was that we had no idea how they were doing it. The villages could no longer defend themselves, and the cities were struggling. Hell, even the castle was beginning to face issues.

I had run through the safety procedure for this kind of thing enough times to be able to recite each and every step by heart, but I had no interest in doing so now. I ran to the main bunker, meeting up with the rest of my family, Edmure, Morina, as well as some other powerful nobles who were staying here. There were also ten guards by our sides, to ensure our protection. We entered the bunker quickly, and sat down in our seats patiently. As a vampire, boredom was really never a problem. Your mind always found something to keep itself occupied.

I looked over at Imogen. Most people would assume she'd be in tears, but Imogen was stronger and wiser than she looked. She was looking calm, cool, and collected; like an extremely responsible young adult. It was easy to forget sometimes how extremely young she was. Therefore I was sometimes surprised by her otherwise childish behavior.

Chloe had always been in buckets of tears during such happenings, though. Damien had proved tough; eerily tough to be honest. After battles he would leer at corpses excitedly whilst others looked away politely or in disgust. His eyes would light up at the prospect of seeing the gorey action, let alone taking part in it. We should've known he was a rotten apple all the way back then.

I didn't know how I acted in those situations; even with my amazing vampire memory, some things were simply long forgotten. Perhaps I should've asked my parents while they were still alive. Perhaps I'd never know. Not that it really mattered. It was a minor interesting fact, nothing more.

Edmure must've recieved a telepathic message containing information, for he stood up and clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. "Listen up, if you please. I have recieved a message from our military commander. He says we have the clear advantage, and that we should be safe. He estimates your wait to be around five or six hours, give or take an hour. As low as three at best, but as high as ten at worst. Thank you."

He sat back down in his chair. I sighed. Unlike some others, I had never been a patient man, and this waiting game just wasn't very me. Still, I let my mind zone out, and began the long, long wait.

Felicia's POV

I stood up and wiped my tears away. I hated myself for giving in to the emotions, for allowing myself to feel this way. To feel weak. But I was weak. That was the hard truth. A hard truth I was having a difficult time accepting. Slowly, I began moving back downstairs. It felt safer, somehow.

I sat myself back down where I had first awoken. The newspapers greeted me with their signature crackle, and I settled down comfortably as if preparing for a little nap. My comfort did not last long, however, as I heard the front door being slammed open, along with the clinking of bottles and loud, drunken laughter. I wrinkled my nose at the new odour entering the room; the putrid stench of alcohol.

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