Chapter 7- The Grand Dinner

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Felicia's POV

The next week and a half passed with no interaction between Master and I. We avoided each other completely.

My back was still killing me, I still couldn't speak, I had bruises covering my entire neck and face. I felt and looked horrible.

I was so tired all the time now that I could barely force myself out of bed. I worked and worked and worked, and barely ate or drank. I couldn't keep it in. I became a skeleton, silent and sickly, thin and pale.

Maddie watched my transformation with despair; there was nothing she could do.

One day, the servant in charge of us slaves told us of a great dinner that was to be held here at the castle the next day.

"Anyone who is anyone will be there," she said. "Maddie, you and Talisa will be in charge of the cleanliness of the Great Hall. Yumi and Norah, you will be in charge of the kitchens. Jack and Hunter, you will be in charge of making sure the stables are clean, and ready to take in several horses. Milah, you will be in charge of the blood supply. And Felicia,"

I looked up, surprised at being named as in charge of anything.

"You will serve the royal family's meals."

I nodded reluctantly; in reality I wanted to get as far away from the royal family as possible. Especially Master.

That night, I told Tristan of my despair.

'I can't stand being near him!' I wrote.

"I know you can't, Felicia, but you have to remember that you are but a slave, and you must serve."

I nodded.

Tristan always gave me good advice, and I trusted his judgement.

And so, the next evening, I entered the kitchen to pick up my first meals, with only a little hesitation.

The first course was an amazing meat pie, that smellt like it could be worth hundreds of dollars per slice.

I brought the plates out, starting at the opposite end of the royal family table from where Master sat.

That way I began with Duchess Morgana, Master's cousin, then Duke Hallsten, Morgana's father, better known as the king's brother. Morgana was known to be rather unpleasant, though quite beautiful, with her dark hair, seductive looks, and sultry glances, and her father was rumoured to be a conniving little snake.

 Morgana was known to be rather unpleasant, though quite beautiful, with her dark hair, seductive looks, and sultry glances, and her father was rumoured to be a conniving little snake

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This is Duchess Morgana (Megan Fox)

I moved on to Queen Izabella and King Alazar. They looked sweet together, as affectionate as newly-weds, and I almost smiled at them. Almost.

Next, was Master's younger brother Damien. He had dark hair and looks, and he looked at me like I was dirt on his shoe. He looked at the other slave girls like they were meals. He was about 20.

This is Damien Avencrest (Ian Somerhalder)

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This is Damien Avencrest (Ian Somerhalder)

Master was almost 23.

Then came Master's younger sister Chloe, who was about my age. She was very pretty, with long brown hair, and a beauty mark next to her right eye.

 She was very pretty, with long brown hair, and a beauty mark next to her right eye

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This is Chloe Avencrest (Caitlin Stasey)

Then came Master's youngest sister Imogen, a sweet little girl, probably only about eight years old, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. She was sweet and kind and polite, though a little cheeky.

 She was sweet and kind and polite, though a little cheeky

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This is Imogen Avencrest (Kristina Pimenova)

Lastly, I came to Master himself. I approached him slowly, not wanting to draw unneccessary attention to my looks, which were currently not at their best.

He looked at me in disbelief, seeing my dark bags and sunken cheeks, taking in my skeletal frame. I was wearing the maid outfit for a thirteen year old, yet it still hung loose on my body.

"Felicia..." he whispered.

He reached out to touch my cheek (well, the hole where I used to have my cheek fat), and I flinched, moving away from him.

I put the plate down quickly, turning to leave, when he caught hold of my wrist. I stared into his eyes for a few seconds, until he released me, and I left the room.

I continued to serve the meals, and Master didn't bother me anymore. He seemed deep in thought, and almost... Sad.

I pushed the thought out of my head. I was not going to get Stockholm Syndrome. If I was going to fall in love, it was going to be with Tristan.

He was kind and sweet and wonderful, and I knew he cared for me. But I also knew Master would never allow it. He would be far too jealous; I didn't think he could handle sharing his property.

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