Chapter 15- The Hunt

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Felicia's POV

He would be right behind me, that was for sure. I was stupid. I couldn't run from him. The only reason he hadn't caught me already was because he enjoyed the hunt, the struggle.

I pushed the doors to the outside open, shutting them quickly. I took a deep breath of fresh air and then continued runnning. I ran through a rose bush maze hoping that the vivid scents would help cover up mine.

Stopping, I put a hand on my stomach, as if that would help control my rapid breathing. It didn't. Slowly, I lowered myself onto the park bench next to me and took several long, deep breaths. And for the first time since I'd been kidnapped, I began to cry.

Tears spilled down my face, plopping onto the grass like dew. I sobbed into my arm to muffle the sound, though I knew it would barely help.

Body slumped against an oak parkbench, I awaited my demise, all the while scolding myself.

"Stupid," I muttered weakly. "Stupid, stupid, stu-*cough*-pid!"

Where was he? Surely he'd found me by now. What was he doing? It was almost as if he wasn't looking at all...

But no, that couldn't be. I stood up slowly and looked around. Suddenly, I heard a rustle coming from behind me. I jumped back, startled, and turned around.

An old woman emerged from the bushes. I say old; she was probably only about 50-60 years of age. Here, that was as if she had lived two or three lives. I decided she was most certainly not a blood donator.

I looked her up and down and soon came to a conclusion. She was a gardener. I don't know if the dirty overall, the cap keeping her curly grey hair away from her face, or the trowel in her hand set me off, but it seemed to me it was the most logical explanation.

"Hello, dearie. Are you lost?"

Her smile was wide and sympathetic, and definitely not fake. When she spoke, her smile lines expanded and became more prominent.

I wiped my face quickly to get rid of any remaining tears, and flashed a quick smile in her direction.

"Oh, *cough* no no, *cough* I'm good."

I couldn't quite look her in the eye.

She looked at me doubtfully.

"Are you sure?" she said kindly, but upon seeing my expression, she continued. "Come now, sit with me."

She pulled me back onto the park bench, sitting herself next to me.

"Now, what's your name?"

"I- well- I... Uhh..." I stuttered.

My voice was only just coming back, I was weak and tired, and I honestly didn't really want to tell the lady about myself.

She looked at me sympathetically and said, "I'll start first. I'm Anne Marie Sofkins, but you can call me Annie. Everyone else does!"

She laughed.

"Now you!"

"Uh, okay..." I began nervously. "I- *cough* I'm Felicia *cough* Winters."

I took a deep breath and cleared my throat. It seemed to help a little.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you, Fel-" she began.

A shout cut her off.

"Hey Annie!"

It was a young man's voice, but I knew it was not Master's. His voice was distinctly different from this man's clear jingle.

"What are you doing in the maze? You know we're supposed to be tending to the rhododendrons and hydrangeas today," the man said.

The voice was friendly, and from the sound of it, he was another gardener.

"Sorry," Annie whispered to me, before continuing cheerily. "Sorry Jake, I just got a bit carried away. I'll be right there!"

She nodded in my direction, before climbing back through the wall of rose bushes. I simply stared at the bushes for a little while, as if by some magic she would come back. She didn't. I wished she had.

I let out a deep breath and sighed, running my hand through my hair.

'If only I had someone to talk to.' I thought to myself.

If only... If only Mum was still around. I knew exactly what she would have done. She would've stroked my hair softly and put my head in her lap. Then she would've started speaking, her voice smooth and sweet like spun sugar.

"There there. Don't worry, sweetie. It'll all be alright..."

Then she'd give me a huge cup of warm milk and an equally huge hug. I never understood how she got the warm milk. It was just always there, always just in her hand.

I would sip my milk as she continued stroking my hair. Sometimes I'd fall asleep. Sometimes I would stay awake and simply lay still there, enjoying the moment. I'd finish up the milk quickly, and she'd chuckle quietly to herself.

"Little thirsty, were we?"

I'd nod like the little five year old I was, all chubby cheeks and smiles. And then...

I sighed. I hadn't wanted it to come to mind, but of course it did. No, I couldn't let the thoughts in.

I picked a rose off of the bush behind me. Bringing it up to my nose, I inhaled deeply. It smelled wonderful; fresh and rosey. Beautiful.

"Roses, huh?"

The voice was a deep murmur, coming from somewhere on my left.

I stood up quickly, my eyes wide. I felt one of the rose's thorns penetrate my skin.

"Oww!" I exclaimed.

I dropped the rose onto the ground and brought my hand up to my mouth, sucking at the blood.

I looked up at Master and sighed. I didn't even try to run. It would be pointless anyways.

"Come with me," he said simply.

And what else could I do? I followed him.

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