Is he breaking his own bones? I ask myself. Taking my hand off of my face I look around for Richard. He's not there though, all I see is a wolf with the darkest black fur I had ever seen. It was huge. Like twice my size huge.

I stared at the wolf. "Richard?" I asked. 

The wolf nodded and it tongue laid out of it's mouth. I blinked and did the only logical thing someone in my position could do right now. 

I screamed and ran. I took off through my back lot to my apartment. 

"Wait!" I heard Richard yell behind me. 

I didn't stop. I got to my door fumbled around and dropped my keys.

"Shit." I said going to pick them up, but they were picked up before I could.

Richard handed me my keys with a boyish smile.

"Can I come in?" He asked softly.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked sighing deeply.

"I will always give you the choice to be free from this burden."

"Come in." I unlocked the door and stepped inside. He closed it behind him.

"So you're a werewolf." It was a general statement but I still couldn't face him.

He touched my shoulder and I flinched. Sighing he took his hand off.

"Yes, and you're my soulmate. I love you Amanda, please don't leave me." He said.

"I- I'm sorry I just don't think I can be with a werewolf. I just want a normal human relationship." I said turning around.

Richard staggered backwards grabbed two fistfuls of his hair in his hands and dropped to his knees.

He grabbed my legs and placed his cheek on them. Rubbing his face on my legs he said again "Please don't leave me."

I tried to walk away but he only held on tighter. It was only then that I noticed the tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Please, my love, spare me the heartbreak. Make my love for you last until the ends of time."

"I can't Richard. You're not human. I don't understand. You're not supposed to exist."

"You're my soulmate. You were made for me. I don't get a second chance at this. Please don't reject me."

"Richard-" I started. Before I could even finish he asked "Are you rejecting me?"

I just looked at his sadly. He blunk a few times, tears still flowing. Even with tears flowing down his cheeks he was the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

He turned and wiped his eyes. When he turned back around my strong protective Richard was no longer there.

In his place was a broken shell of a man. He smiled sadly and his eyes started to fill with tears again.

"Please. Keep the Maserati. It was a gift for your acceptance of me. I am forever grateful you gave me a chance to be yours.

To hold you. To smell you. To float with you on cloud nine. You allowed me to hold your heart in my hand.

Your kisses are all I ever have and all I will ever know. Your beauty is bewitching.

Your eyes captivated me from first meeting you. I don't and won't ever be able to want anyone else after learning of your existence.

Thank you. Truly. Please if you ever think I am worthy to love and worship the queen that you are hit me up.

 I won't change my number. Know from this second on I would be waiting for the call." 

With that he turned and left my home. I looked on my mantel and knew there was something I had to do before he left. 

I ran after him. "Richard!" I called. He turned around lightning fast. 

I opened his hand and placed the cold keys in his warm palm. 

I took a shaky breath as I convinced myself this was the right thing to do. This way he could move on and be happy like I wanted him to. 

"I don't ever want to be reminded of a monster like you." I said looking away. 

When I did summon the courage to look at him again it was unlike I had ever seen him. I didn't know anyone could look so sad. 

His beautiful Green eyes which were once always dancing with laughter and joy now looked dull. 

"Very well my love. I will disappear from your life as well as I can." He got in his car turned it on and left my parking garage. 

I walked back to my apartment. As soon as I stepped inside sobs racked my body. I could barely breathe. 

If what he said was true I let my soulmate walk out of my life. I tried to convince myself that what I did was for the best. 

He lied to me. 

To keep you safe. A little part of myself said. 

He almost killed a man in the club that night. I told myself. 

For you. That part of me said again. 

Atleast he left here hating me. I did that right. 

I undressed myself and laid in bed letting the tears wet my sheets. I cried for hours. I don't know how many exactly but it felt like years. 

The pain was unbearable. It was searing. It burned me from the inside. 

I hid my face inside my pillow and screamed for him. 

Screamed for him to come back so I could take it all back. 

Kiss him and heal his wounds. 

Make everything I said disappear. 

I couldn't take it any more. 

I called him. 

"H-Hello?" He said sniffing. He had been crying too. 

"Hello? Amanda please say something I just need to hear your voice to get me through this." He asked again. 

"I love you. I'm sorry. Please take me back." I pleaded. 

Or at least I wish I had. Instead I hung up and cried the rest of the night and finally fell asleep. 

As I slept I dreamt of Richard and I happy together. 

A simpler time. 

amanda please /BWWM/Where stories live. Discover now