Chapter 4

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The applause of the people was deafening. Too much to the point that I can't even hear my own heartbeat. The emotions are flooding all over my body. Keith words stabbed me like a bitch. Never have I thought that I would ever feel this pain.

I can't focus on anything right now. My knees are giving up. I can feel myself trembling and threatening to melt down any minute. I forced myself to take some steps. I looked for the exit.

I can't handle any of this right now. Tears are forming in my eyes and if I don't leave this place, I might just shed into tears. I saw the gate and forced myself to run for it.

"Chris?" Someone grabbed my arm forcing me to look behind.

"Are you okay? I don't know what just happened, but I'm really concern about you." Red said while I tried to listen but right now, everything seems blurry.

"Red, I can't-- I need to leave." I tried with all my might to prevent myself from crying but I was afraid I won't be able to. I ran as fast as I can ignoring everyone in my way.

"Chris!" Red shouted but I didn't bother looking back.

All I can feel right now is pain from betrayal and anger and I never thought that this would be caused by my best friend, my best friend who promised never to hurt me. My best friend who promised that she'll protect me always and my best friend who promised to hurt back anyone who tries to hurt me. But how can she do that now if she's the reason for all of this.

Everything came flashing back to my mind. The time when Keith greeted Mandy during lunch. When Keith looked for Mandy. Keith's attention seems to be more on Mandy and I was really stupid not to see it.

I reached the exit and walked down the street. I walked for five minutes still processing everything that's happened. I saw a bench and sat down. When I was sure that no one is around, I broke down crying. I sobbed and whimpered like a broken hearted girl. There is no one to comfort me right now. I told Red to leave me alone and Mandy, well..

I've always watched in the screens people get their hearts broken. I've always cried over their misery and I've always sympathized with them. Their losses gave me pain too and right now, I'm feeling how they are feeling. Who knew that this day would come. I mean, what did I expect? For Keith, a straight guy to be in love with me? A homosexual? I guess right now that much is clear. He can never give back the love I give him. My great, big love is just a fantasy that I should keep to myself. I guess the only reason that I'm hurting right now is the thought that my best friend broke my trust. We've always talked, Red, Mandy and I, we always tell each other that chicks before dicks, sisters before misters and I guess that wasn't fulfilled.

I never expected it from Mandy. Though I didn't expect it from Red too so actually I never expected it from both of them. Maybe, it's not entirely Mandy's fault. I mean Keith is a really hot and irresistible guy, but couldn't she give some more effort to resist him. That's what's friendship is all about, putting your friends first before others. So if she chose Keith over our friendship, over me, I guess there wasn't any friendship at all.

My crying became harder and my sobbing became louder by the thought that Mandy never cared about me.

I stopped crying when I heard something behind me. I departed from leaning on the bench and looked behind me for the source of the sound but didn't see anything. Then, when I was about to return from my original position, I saw something shined from under the bench. I was surprised and forced to back away when I saw pair of eyes staring back at me.

The boy stood up and fixed his leather jacket that must have been the thing that shined. The only source of light is from the street lamp but it is enough to let me see and observe the person in front of me. He's a little taller than me and definitely more muscular than me. He is wearing a white shirt that has "London" printed on it under his leather jacket. He is wearing a black skinny jeans that looked perfectly for him. He has these soulful gray eyes that looked so beautiful in the dark. He has short dark hair and his lips were as red as cherry.

"How long have you been there?" I asked while wiping tears off my face.

"A while." He said with an angelic voice and with a beautiful smile. His dimples were also to die for. Much wider and bigger than mine.

I sat down at the bench and quickly covered my face with my hands and tears shed from my eyes again.

"I'm sorry." I cried to him.

"Here." I removed my hands and saw that he's offering me a handkerchief.

"No, I'm fine."

"No you're obviously not. Take it. I want to help you even if it's a small thing." He said still offering the handkerchief to me.

"Thanks." I took the red piece of cloth and wiped the tears on my face with it. He sat on the left side of the bench a foot in distance separating us.

"I know it's none of my business, but what are you doing lying under some bench?" I asked him.

"Well--um.. I'm hiding from someone."

"Oh no. Don't tell me you're a an escaped criminal who's probably disguising to look like a very cute teenager boy."

"You're funny. So I'm cute huh? That's weird hearing from another guy."

"Shit. Are you homophobic? If you are, you better go coz' I can't deal with one right now."

"Don't worry I'm not any of those things. I'm just surprised that you think I'm cute."

"Well you really are and my mother taught me never to lie so I'm just setting an example. But, don't flatter yourself, I think that almost every guy is cute."


"I'm sorry I really should shut up right now."

"Good." He sighed.

"Good?! Excuse me? What do you mean good?" I asked with my tone getting higher after that sigh.

"Oh I didn't mean it like that. Good that you already stopped crying."

"Oh. Thanks for reminding me." I remembered everything that happened tonight and came back to crying again. I quickly covered my face with the handkerchief.

"Oh god I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Oh, it's not your fault. Stop apologizing. I'm just being really emotional right now." I told him.

"Don't mind me asking, but why are you crying?" He asked with his soft voice.

"Well it's a long story and I don't really feel comfortable confiding with you about everything. I mean we barely know each other."

"Well, then let's change that. Hi I'm Carter Davidson, it's a pleasure meeting you." He offered his hand and I took it. His hand is very soft and cold against mine.

"Nice to meet you Carter, I'm Chr--."

Sir Carter! Where are you. We really need to get you home or your father would kill us.

Someone with an English accent shouted from our right side.

"Shit! I guess that's my cue. I better go." He ran before I even got to tell him my name.

"But--You--." I stuttered quietly to myself while watching him disappear in the darkness. I realized that I still have his handkerchief and forgot to give it back to him. I tightened my grip on the cloth while tears fall from my eyes. Realizing that I'm alone again hurts big time. I wiped my face and tried to stop crying and surprisingly I was able to.

I heard footsteps from a distance heading straight at my direction. I saw a man in a suit who looks like he's in his 40's coming my way. He closed in to me.

He asked with his English accent, "Have you seen a boy pass here wearing a leather jacket?" He stopped and motioned in the air, "This tall with gray eyes."

"I'm afraid not." I lied and he ran to where Carter was headed.

I realized that I don't have a ride so I need to call someone to pick me up. I checked my contacts and dialed my brother's number.

"Andy, can you pick me up. I really want to go home right now."

To The Moon and Back (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt