Chapter 3

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"We're on our way." Red said then hung up.

We all decided that Mandy will just pick Red and I up so that we don't have to drive three different cars.

I threw my phone on the bed and looked at myself through the mirror.

"You can do this Chris." I told myself.

Finally, I'll admit to Keith how I really feel about him. He'll finally know what I've been trying to hide all these years. But there are so many questions that have been bugging me. Like, "what if Keith doesn't feel the same way, which is 90% possible?", "what if I told him and he suddenly feel disgusted towards me?" or "if he really does feel the same, what will he do about it?"

I sighed and walked to my bed. I laid my body on it with my legs sticking on the right side of the bed. I closed my eyes and didn't realize that I dozed off.

I heard a loud knocking on the door of my bedroom.

"Chris, your friends are here!" My mom shouted on the other side of the door.

I looked at my phone and realized that I fell asleep for twenty minutes.

"Tell them I'll be there in a minute!" I shouted to make sure that she'll hear me.


I stood up and fixed my shirt. I'm wearing casual clothes for Keith's party, a red shirt and black skinny jeans. I picked up my gift for Keith from my bed and walked out of my room.

I headed downstairs and I received a loud screaming.

"Are you excited Chris? Because we are!" Red said excitedly while dancing. She's wearing green dress with a pair of good looking shoes. Her red hair is tied up to a pony tail and some bangs are hanging around her blue eyes. I can't help but laugh whenever I look at her hair and realize that her name is the color of her hair. She looks hot whenever she dances like that, her smile with so much happiness and her moves match together. This is what I like about Red. She's always so happy that it's fun to be around her like her happiness is contagious.

Everyone gets excited for Keith's parties. Not just because they're exclusive but also because they're so awesome. I remember in our sophomore year when Keith threw a halloween party. His parents hired some house designers to completely style their house to a very scary one. They also hired some professional scarers who went there as zombies, ghosts and some other scary creatures. The food were also halloween themed. I remember drinking punch that tasted like sprite or some other drink but looked and felt like blood. The music was so loud that you can't help but dance. I remember when Michael Jackson's "Thriller" played everybody went nuts and started dancing its dance craze where you dance like a zombie with your hands up in the air. The lighting system were just as awesome. Lights that change their colors to blue, red, yellow then white. So it really is an honor to be invited by the guy to one of his parties.

"Yeah, I guess." I said nervously.

"Come on, don't be a party pooper. Be excited like we are." Red said immediately after she stopped dancing.

"Well someone's not excited." I pointed to Mandy.

"Oh, trust me she is excited. She's been singing in the car. She just doesn't want you to see her exci--," Red stopped and suddenly blushed. When I looked behind me, I saw my brother, Andy, walking down the stairs.

"What are you all dressed up for, bro?" Andy asked with his blonde hair all messed up on his face. Andy and I look so different. I have dark hair, he has blonde. He's tall, buff and athletic looking while I look like a scrawny nerd. I'm cute though, at least that's what everybody tells me. There's this one girl who had a crush on me for two years, our freshman and sophomore year. Me being gay didn't stop her from liking me. Thank god her parents were offered a new job in another state so she had to transfer to another school.

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