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If I was a braver man, I would've told you how I really feel. I would've maybe told you the truth about why I've tangled you up in my mess and mistakes. I would've told you that I cared.

You see, caring isn't about what you say. It's about what you do. It's about accepting someone else's flaws and loving them. It's about holding there hand when they think there is no one around. It's about the little things that make life just that ounce easier.

Do you remember when that girl spilled soda on you? And before you could even say anything, I clambered over that massive tree that connects our houses and got you another shirt (And yes I may have looked in your underwear draw first but I swear it was an accident!)

Do you remember when you fell out of that tree? And I helped Lee carry you home because he was such a skinny little runt (and I know I was the one who pushed you but to be fair you pushed me first).

Do you remember when you told me your boyfriend broke up with you for Gabi? And I hunted him down and broke his nose (surprise, I didn't tell you that one). 

Just because I'm not by your side every single day, or I'm not the conventional friend, or the conventional human. Doesn't mean I don't care about you Elle.

And the reason I said nothing is because I would've regretted everything I would've said.

Because I would've told you that I have been in love with you since forever. I have cared for you since forever.

And I always will.



I am so so sorry that there hasn't been an update for around two weeks! I've been so so ill recently and its been hard to write and update when I've barely been able to get out of bed.

So I'm really so sorry for that.

Hopefully these updates will go back to being regular (daily updates for you needy people!)

Someone asked me for a Nate chapter and this is what was produced-- it feeds on from their conversation.

Also there might be a few more of these little chapters coming because we love a little Nate moment.

Has this changed your opinion? What team are we? #teamlee or #teamnate ?

Please give this a vote and comment if you want more chapters like this in the future! And if you want to see anyone else's POV ;) just let me knowwww!

Thank you so much for the support so far.

This chapter is dedicated to Night-Eye for the stunning cover that she made me (as per). This girl is such a talent I'm so jealous!! If you need a cover for a book hit her up because she's honestly insane (also she's a British gal like moi!!)

Thank you all so much for reading, voting, commenting. Also please please do share this with everyone you know!


Amber Rose x

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