"Are you trying to get yourself laid in the closet again?" I asked.

"Maybe a little" he kissed me again.  Oh boy.  This horny mother fucker.  I pulled away.

"I'm getting a soda" I said.

"Get me one" He said.  He smacked my ass as I walked away "Hot stuff"

"Be good" I said.  He laughed.

"Have you met me?" He asked.  I rolled my eyes and left his office.  The soda machine wasn't far.  I put in a dollar for mine then got myself a diet dr pepper.  I got him a regular pepsi.  We had very different soda tastes.  I carried them both back.  The walk back was as short as the walk to.  Except this time I knew it was gonna be interesting.  My boss was there and they were already having a stare down.  Patrick to the rescue.  I walked in grabbing both of their attentions.  I handed Pete his soda.

"Thank you" he mumbled.  I sat down next to Pete and smiled at my boss warmly.  He smiled back.  I laid my hand on the desk, which Pete took advantage of and placed his hand in mine.  He didn't make a big deal of it.  He did it stealthily so I knew it wasn't to piss off my boss.  I laced my fingers with his.  "So, I have no issues with the way your company is.  The workers are all great and the job gets done.  I like to see that in a company"

"Thank you" my boss replied quite coldly. 

"No problem Bruce.  Let's talk numbers" Pete said.  Bruce nodded.  I felt the tension in the air.  He looked at me "Can you survive hearing about my boring job or do you wanna go see Ashlee?"

"I can survive" I shrugged smiling.  He pecked my cheek. 

"How much would you like?" he asked turning back to Bruce. 

"How much are you willing to offer?" Bruce asked.  Their eyes were constantly challenging each other.  Damn.  Pete looked at me.  He did that a lot.  He needed my opinion on a big decision.  It was nice.  It made me feel wanted.

"What we talked about a few days ago" I suggested.

"Or thirty" he said. 

"How badly do you want the company?" I asked.  He stared at me like I'd asked the simplest question in the world.  In a way, I did.  He wanted it so badly he'd bleed for it.  And it was all because I worked there.  "Then thirty" He nodded.

"Thirty thousand" Pete said.  That wasn't bad.  He's bought more expensive.  Bruce's eyebrows raised.

"Thats a lot to offer, Mr. Wentz" he said.

"I want it"

"Because your fiancé works there?" he snapped.  I stared at him.

"I like to know he's safe.  And I like the way the company is run" Pete was very good at not showing his anger.  But his hands were shaking.  I knew he wanted to slam this guy against the wall and twist his neck around his body.  I ran my thumb across his hand to try to calm him.  It seemed to work a bit.  "Do we have a deal?"

"Yes" he mumbled.  "Can we start on the paperwork?"

"Of course" Pete faked a smile. He squeezed my hand tightly. "There's a conference room about two rooms down. I'll meet you there. Just let me have a second to discuss this with Patrick. I prefer not to make decisions without consulting my fiancé"

"Alright" he said. I waved slightly to him. He ignored me leaving the room.  What a nice guy.
"He likes you!" Pete yelled at me.  I groaned.  What happened to let's not fight anymore?  "He fucking likes you!"

"Would you stop yelling at me for ten mother fucking seconds!?" I yelled back.  He shut his mouth "Who cares if he likes me!?  Who fucking cares!?  I love you!  Only you!" we stared at each other "You promised no more fights"


"Sorry?" I asked.  He shut his mouth.  "Stop it" I snapped. 

"Stop what?" he asked.

"Looking at me like that, like you're in love with me, stop it!" I yelled.  He gulped gently. "I'm done" I whispered.  "I'm done with this, your jealousy.  I can't do this anymore" I took my ring off and placed it on the table. He watched me carefully.  I grabbed my phone and my jacket "I'm done.  This is done.  We're done"

"Patrick" he said.  I started walking away "Patrick!" He yelled.  He was hard to ignore when he got like that.  I walked downstairs and almost made it out the door.  But he was really fucking fast.  He grabbed my arm and slammed me against the wall.  Our chests were touching.  I was afraid.  Very afraid.  What would he do?  Hit me?  Hurt me? "Patrick, stop"

"I said I didn't want this if all you were gonna do is fight with me.  I don't want this anymore.  I want to be happy, let me go"

"Stop" he begged "Stop and let me talk"

"Let me go!" I yelled.  He held on tighter. 

"Patrick" He kissed the side of my mouth.  I calmed down a little bit.  He kissed me cheek.  I took a deep breath "I love you" he whispered.  I closed my eyes.  "Stay with me.  I love you.  I can't lose you please"

"You said no more fights"

"One more chance" He begged "Please, I start a fight with you again over stupid shit and you can walk away from me and never look back.  Please, I love you.  I need you"

"You can't keep doing this to me!" I yelled "You can't keep manipulating me!"

"I can't live without you!" he yelled back. 

"Then stop treating me like shit!" I pushed him away "Stop, and I'll stay.  You need to stop blaming this on your lack of relationships and start taking a look at me.  I'm a mess.  I love you okay?  I don't wanna leave.  I wanna marry you and stay by your side" He wiped the tear off my cheek with his thumb "You need to stop treating me like shit Peter"

"I'm trying" he whispered "I'm sorry, I'm trying"

"Try harder" I begged.  He nodded and kissed me.  Of course being my weak self I immediately melted.  I hugged his neck pulling him closer.  Yeah, he'll try.  We'll see how long it lasts.

His Name Is Wentz [REWRITE]Where stories live. Discover now