Chapter 3-Stranger Things Have Happened

Start from the beginning

He became very serious. He looked straight into my eyes and then took my hands into his.

"Look, it's your choice whether you wanna go through with that or not, but I really think that you should...think about it."

"Go through with what? Getting married or sleeping with you?"

"Marriage. As for the sleeping're really pretty, but I don't really want to fuck up your life."

"You know what? I'll let you know that my life is already fucked up beyond the point of repair. So no biggie there.", I said with my eyes wide open.

I leaned on him and started to kiss him avidly. I felt like such a bad girl right now. A rebel. I didn't care if I would never see him again, I just wanted to enjoy myself.
And I have to admit he was quite an experienced lover comparing to me. A bit brutal a to say, but a good lover. I needed more and more by the minute, I felt like a drug addict that needed his dose.

There was something about him that didn't allow you to fall in love. He was charming, but always imposed some respect. That didn't work out quite well for me...

"You know it's time for me to go.", he said on the third night.

"I know. I just wish you didn't have to go."

"I know you don't little one, but I really do have to go. Work is everything to me. Plus you have wedding details to think about. Keep in touch though.", he said tapping my phone number into his phone.

"Keep in touch." I said kissing him for the very last time.

It didn't hurt me to see him leave. For both of us it was a transaction. He needed to blow off some steam and I needed to do one last crazy thing, right before I tied the knot.

I was afraid by how much I started to sound like my mother. Very much.

This distraction was more than welcomed right now. No one found out about it though, not even Pixie. She just knew the cliff note version of it. We met, we chatted and then we said goodbye. Seemed fair enough. I couldn't just say that Jared and I had dirty sex, now could I? Too bad she didn't notice the glow in my eyes, she would've had it all figured out.

I rushed from work to the meeting with my mother. Just as I thought she is appalled by the new look I had.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Your. Hair?"

"I dyed it and cut it a little, I think it looks nice don't you?"

"It looks cheap!"

"Trust me it wasn't. It costed me a little fortune. Now, anyway, I wanted to ask you something.", I said, trying to change the subject from my so called 'appalling' hair.

"What is it?"

"Did you love dad when you married him?"

She gave me a hard stare, I wouldn't have imagined possible, through all the Botox she injected over the years in her face and finally she answers me.

"No, I married him because I had to. He was a respectable man, and I never regretted it. Just like Luke. He is a decent, reliable fellow who will take care of you. Always."

And that was the end of the conversation. I started thinking if we ever had a heart to heart mother daughter talk. I dug deep into my memories and realised it never happened. We were always surrounded by armies of nannies and staff who took care of me and my sister. If I come to realise me and my sister were never close. Never.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. It was Jared.

<<How's the weddin' plannin' goin?>>

I started giggling to my mother's despair.

"Could you please focus on things? Oh how I wish you were more like your sister Lara."

The second I heard the name Lara I raised my head from the phone. Lara would've been the oldest of us. And she died in a car accident three years ago.

"You mean dead?", I retorted.

My mother realised the mistake she had made but it was already too late. I stood up from the table and stepped outside.

I missed Lara. She always understood me. Probably because she was misunderstood herself. She was the only one who didn't get married good in terms of our family. She just went on and married Cian. Without my parents knowing. Without anyone knowing but me. She always told me never to let anyone tell me what I need to do.

I never did listen did I? I was too terrified of our parents and their punishments to even think of anything else.

I went back to my place only to find Luke checking things on his laptop. He was home early and from the looks of it he wasn't too happy. Not to mention that I was surprised to find him in my living room instead of his luxurious apartment.

"Didn't expect to see you here.", I said taking my shoes off and jumping into my slippers.

"From the looks of it I wasn't the only one having a shit week.", he noticed.

"What happened?"

"You go first.", he said.

"I think we're rushing into this marriage."

"I know. Thankfully we care enough about each other as friends, so we might work it out."

He was right. We did care about each other. He was the first person I'd call in case something would happen. The feeling was mutual. I knew he did the same.

"How was Los Angeles?"

"Crazy. You know I always told father I never wanted to deal with celebrities. Marge would've been a lot better for the job. Anyway I got there hoping to talk to this actor, musician or whatever about a campaign in Ireland for his line of clothes, coffee and stuff like that. And he wasn't there. He had a gig in, guess where? Ireland. I had to deal with his assistant. A stick figure, Silicon Valley Barbie, who was monosyllabic and didn't want to give me his number. He finally arrived and it all went south from there. Jesus I swear to god these celebrities are such idiots!"

"Who are we talking about?"

"Jared Leto and his brother Shannon Leto! God Clara if you would've seen him! He was never focused or anything. Half the time on the phone, not focusing on the pitch or anything. Asking me questions about hiking and art like I gave two fucks about that anyway."

I felt my stomach turn when I heard Jared's name. If only he knew he was in my bed a couple of days ago I think he would've had a nervous breakdown.

"You know how celebrities are. So, did you manage to get the contract?"

"I have. But it took me ages to take his mind off the constant rambling about art and stuff."

I smiled a bit because I knew exactly how Jared could be. He would talk one minute about something, and the next about a complete different thing. He was too good and too bad in the same time if that made sense to anyone.

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