"Where are we going?"

"A place."

"What place?"

"Here," Camila said, guiding them down the sidewalk to the empty wooden bench.

"Why here?" Lauren questioned as she sat down next to the petite Latina.

"You ask too many questions," Camila giggled.

"Oh sorry," Lauren said as she looked away. "I'll stop."

"Stop," Camila said as she began to cringe.

"What's wrong?" Lauren asked before she could catch herself . "Sorry, that's the last time I'll ask a question."

"Please stop with the 'sorries'. You haven't done anything."

"I've done a lot of things."

"You're saying sorry for asking questions. Don't say sorry for that. You should only say sorry when you hurt someone, whether it's accidental or not. Anything else, I don't want you to say sorry, please."

"Okay...but I hurt you earlier."

"Yeah, you did," Camila nodded in agreement. "It hurt a lot lot actually."

"Oh sor- I didn't mean to."

"I know you didn't but I it did. I saw it coming though."

"You did?!"

"Mhm," the brown-eyed girl replied. "You're in love with Lucy. I see it and I understand it. I can tell you've had feelings for her for longer than you've known me. The way you talked to her said everything."

"Oh," Lauren said as she became embarrassed.

She never knew what she went on about when she was talking about a girl that made her stomach fuzzy because she allowed herself to speak from her heart.

"It's cute but it's confusing more than ever."

"I know the feeling," Lauren replied, knowing she was more confused than both Lucy and Camila combined.

"I like you, Lauren, like a lot," Camila said slow and steady. "But I don't know if I'm ready for a relationship this fast and I have a daughter to think about. I have a lot more baggage than Lucy ever will and I'm only eighteen. It's not right to you if I hold you back."

"What are you trying to say, Camz?"

"I'm trying to say," Camila sighed as she braced herself for the her next sentence. "That I think if you were to chose between the two of us then you should go after Lucy and we can just stay friends."

"We'll never be just friends, Camila. We passed that zone a while ago."

"A while ago?" Camila giggled softly. "We've only explored these feelings for the past week."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"I've liked you for a while, Camila, and I'm sure you can agree.  However, what I feel with you when I kiss you is something I've never experienced before with anyone else."

"Have you kissed Lucy?"

"What?" Lauren asked, not expecting Camila to ask something like that.

"Have you kissed Lucy?" Camila repeated.

"No," the green-eyes girl answered honestly.

"Then how do you know if I'm something you've never felt before? You could experience something even better with her than you do with me."

"The only girl I want to kiss is you, Camila."

"Then how can you say you have feeling for the both of us, if you only want to kiss me?"

"I don't know!" Lauren yelled frustrated. "I just don't know."

"You know what you're feeling, Lauren," Camila said as she stood up furiously.

"I really don't Camila!" Lauren said as she stood up too.

"Maybe I should give you some space until you figure out what you want."

"I think I know what I want."

"You think? Come back to me when you know what you want."

"Camila, don't be like this," Lauren said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry I want to know you're fully invested in me before I give you even more of me," Camila went off as their voices raised with each sentence.


"You're going to open your door and give me my daughter back and then let me go," Camila interrupted.

"I can't let you go. Camila-

"Good night, Lauren," Camila said as she walked past the green-eyed girl and up the side walk.

"Camz!" Lauren called out as she ran up to the brown-eyed girl. "Camz," the older girl repeated but Camila kept walking silently up to Lauren's door.

"Open the door, Lauren," Camila said she folded her arms across her chest.

"I want to talk Camila."

"We're both not in the right mood to have a conversation, Lauren. Now don't make me ask you to open the door again."

"I'm not going to."

"Fuck you, Jauregui," Camila growled becoming frustrated that Lauren was now keeping her daughter hostage.

As Camila walked towards the door to knock on it, Lauren grabbed ahold of Camila's tiny wrist, and spun her around before placing her plumped pink lips against Camila. The young mother was hesitant at first but after a few seconds she sunk into the kiss.

To Camila, kissing Lauren was like kissing a teddy bear. The girl was soft and cuddly but she felt how passionate Lauren felt. Their lips moved together in sync like a lock and a key. It was like Camila was wrapped up in a warm blanket while she felt protected from any monster trying to come after her.

Lauren slowly pulled away but kept their hands linked together. Camila opened her eyes to find her favorite pair of green eyes staring at her like she was the only girl in the world.

"I know I want you," Lauren let out before closing the gap between them again.

Well shit.

I hope you all enjoyed some drama because with drama also comes some fluff.😉

I hope you all have an amazing, fantastic day/night!!

- Ashley

Twitter - dinahaddict

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