(cabir smiles, naughtily)

(turning to alya) and alya, she is no less than cabir in her field of expertise, be it piano, keyboard and any other key instrument, you name it she will play it for you like a perfectionist. (alya smiles sweetly)and mukti is the same with her strings. And i don't need to say anything about manik. He is the soul of our band. His voice can fit well in any genre...

(manik smiles and Dhruv wants end the monologue, but mukti asks for the mike and he hands it to her)

MUKTI: well Dhruv enumerated every one's strong point but forgot himself (she smiles and so do the other four) so will you believe when i say that Dhruv, the funky , cool looking guy, can play sitar, veena and i don't even remember all the other names, apart from acoustic guitar??

(she gives an incredulous look to the media people. Manik gently takes the mike from her and speaks) all in all , we want to say that we are not limited to one genre. We have a band whose each individual is expert in whatever they do. So we adapt well with the changing times.

Question 3: so are you planning for an international opening?

Reply by Dhruv :definitely, that's on our cards.

Question 4: when can we expect that happening?

Reply by Dhruv : its too early to speak on that. We will update you with the proceedings in due time.

Question 5: when are you and alya ma'm going to marry?

(hearing the question , cabir leans towards mukti and whispers "manik ke baad Dhruv inka next target hai...thank god main bach gya!" they both giggle)

Reply by Dhruv: let's keep this question for another day. This occasion is especially for our album.

Question 6: (cabir's happiness was not long lived, as he was asked the next question) cabir sir, you have been spotted a lot of times spending time with a girl whom we happen to know as navya ma'm. What kind of relationship do you share with her?

(mukti tries to control her laugh)

cabir: she is a common friend of ours. Is it wrong to spend time with a girl??

The reporter gets defensive and answers "no sir, i was just asking..."

"that's better" cabir replied with a smirk.

" aaj manik ko bare araam se baithe rehne diya hai inlogon ne...kya baat hai??" cabir whispered to mukti. "qki inhe pta hai ki...bhai se ek galat question and the conference would end" she replied chuckling. But the next moment her smile haulted as a reporter addressed her and asked the question.

Question 7: mukti ma'm, you have been single for quite a while now but recently the paparazzi has seen you spending time with mr. Abhimanyu murthy, brother of ....

The reporter couldn't complete as he met manik's glare. Mukti kept her palm on manik's, signalling him to calm down and then she answered

Reply by mukti: so, you said you have seen me and mr.murthy together. Can you prove it, or let me make it easier for you, just tell me the date and time when you saw me with him, because i think my memory is failing me , as i don't remember any such occasion where i met privately with abhimanyu murthy.

Mukti was very sure of herself because she has been very cautious about her meetings with abhimanyu right from the start. And her confidence paid off as the reporter sat down without any further provocative query. Cabir smirked realising mukti's smartness. Manik , on the other hand , felt extremely proud of her. He understood that now mukti doesn't need his protective cover.

Question 8: manik sir...(as the reporter addressed him, mukti whispered to cabir "here you go...now i am sure the press conference is going to end in few minutes" and they both chuckled) we heard some rumours of you and mr khurana having a tiff, just after your marriage. Is that true?"

Reply by manik: you yourself answered the question.

Reporter: sorry sir but i didn't get your point?

Manik: you said you have heard a 'rumour', so that says it all.

Reporter 1's mouth shut.

Reporter 2: sir recently in a joint interview to a leading magazine, mrs nandini malhotra said that she hasn't watched any of your music videos and she wouldn't do so even in future. She said she doesn't like watching you romance with the models. What do you have to say about that?

Reply by manik: Are you married?

Reporter (confused): what sir?

Manik(smiling): I asked, are you married?

Reporter (sceptical): yes sir

Manik : so tell me if you were a model/actor, and had to romance on-screen, how would your wife react?

Reporter (understanding): she would not like it.

Manik: nandini is also a normal human being. She definitely gets jealous but its her jealousy that makes me realise how much she loves me, otherwise she is a very inexpressive person in general. But she is also different from other wives as she understands me and my work. She doesn't interfere in my profession because she trusts me. even now, at this moment, here i am giving an interview but she has no idea about it, she must be busy in her office's cabin trying to wrap up her work as fast as possible, since today is KARVA chauth and she has to reach home early.. I leave all the badges of singer, musician, businessman etc etc on my door step because at our home, i am just manik, nothing else. And we are just like any other couple of the world.

I hope this pretty much answers your question and now we will take leave as i have meetings lined up. Thank you for your time.

Manik said in a dismissing tone.

Clearly no chances of further query.

"thank you bhai...iss torture se bachane ke liye...main toh pak gyi thi" mukti said as they sat in the car.

"yeah today they asked manik at the end because they knew he wouldn't tolerate their interference in his personal life....intelligent move, i would say" Dhruv spoke.

They all laughed and talked on their way back, analysing each other's answers and mimicking each other's expressions during the interview.
Hello people!

Here I introduce with another mind blowing story penned by three of us ManiniMehra ScorpionGirl3100 and me ❤

Here I introduce with another mind blowing story penned by three of us ManiniMehra ScorpionGirl3100 and me ❤

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This is the story based on Modern Royals!!

But this time the story is from a different collaborative account Collab_Partners

Please support us in this story too❤
Hoping for a good response!

Thankyou! :)
Credits to the writer -- Manini Mehra

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